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Ellyott, the first Vaudois baby of the decade – News Vaud & Régions: La Côte

When she lost her water on Tuesday, December 31 at 3:45 a.m., Tara Zuber was far from suspecting that her offspring would be born in 2020. It was without counting on a birth that lasted no less than twenty hours. “First come but last served”, jokes, looking at the couple, one of the midwives who participated in the birth. We feel the parents tired but on another planet, while their new center of the world dozes peacefully in the arms of his mother.

If the birth was so perilous, it is because the dilation process was particularly long. Nevertheless, the new mother assures that “everything went well until the final stretch. There, it was very difficult, I wondered if I would get there. Fortunately, my husband encouraged me all along, as did the midwives who said, to motivate me, that I was a warrior. ” Tara Zuber is indeed like a warrior: she gave up the epidural and only had relief from a morphine pump that she could use during major contractions. “All of our grandmothers did like that, I thought I could too. The advantage is that there are no side effects and above all you manage yourself. We feel that we are involved in her delivery. It was terrible, but I’m already forgetting the pain. ”

3.505 kilos

At the end of this marathon, the little boy was born at midnight twenty-three, while the fireworks of Nyon still resounded. The couple did not want to know their gender in advance. Since he’s a boy, his name is Ellyott. If it were a girl, she would have been called “Selenia”. The little Ellyott Zuber is 49.5 centimeters by 3.505 kilos, he is an ascending Capricorn. He already has a small dark brown tuft on the skull and his tiny face expresses a surprising serenity. “He has cried very little since this morning,” confirms the mother.

Tara and Rémy, 38 and 37, have been together for five years, married since September 2018 and live in Saint Cergue. She is a documentary information agent, “librarian, what,” and an electrician installer. Their happiness is even greater than in 2018, Tara had a miscarriage. “We’re in heaven,” they say with one voice between two bursts of kisses on their offspring. The adventure still seems a bit unreal: “This morning, I came home to sleep a little, and it was only when I woke up in my bed that I realized that I am a dad,” confides Rémy.

Created: 01.01.2020, 9:15 p.m.

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