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Eliminate Burn Scars, Use This Natural Remedy!

remove burn scars
How to get rid of burn scars. Photo: Ist / Net

There are many options for how to get rid of burn scars. Both with drugs from pharmacies to herbal plants. You can choose a variety of herbs that are cheap, easy, and quite effective without fear of side effects.

Burns are a common and common type of event. Either while cooking, playing with fire, or due to work accidents. Even the formation of a hot motorcycle exhaust is also included in this minor accident.

Scars, especially burns, are sometimes difficult for us to get rid of. Although there are many ways that we can do, the treatment usually takes a long time.

Herbal Medicines To Get Rid Of Burn Scars

To overcome and remove scars it takes a long time. However, to be more effective, you should use natural or traditional methods that do not cause dangerous side effects.

Here are some ways to deal with and get rid of burn scars using natural ingredients.

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Noni fruit is known to contain a compound in the form of scopoletin which is useful for anti-inflammation. For that you can use it as a wound reliever drug.

The way to use it is to make noni fruit juice. The results of the juice are not for us to drink but to compress the scar with a towel. Do this 3 times a day.


Garlic can be a medicine to cure colds, high blood pressure and cancer. This spice is also able to disguise black spots on the skin, including removing burn scars.

The method is quite easy. Grate the garlic and apply it to your scars. Let stand and let it dry. After that, rinse using warm water.

Try to do this method regularly. This is so that the keloids that arise can fade the scars as an anti-proliferative effect. The content in this onion can also stimulate collagen growth in the skin.

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Water Vinegar

The food flavoring in the form of vinegar is very effective or effective in treating burns that leave an impression on the skin. Generally we use vinegar for flavoring food.

The trick, first clean the burns and pour vinegar on a cotton swab and gently compress it. Do this method continuously when the cotton has started to dry.


Drinking milk as a complement to healthy food can serve as an ingredient for removing burn scars. The type of milk that we use in this natural treatment process is fat-free milk such as skim milk.

The method is as follows, clean the burn scars to make them sterile with alcohol. After that, pour the milk on the burn scar area. Wait and let it sit a few moments for the nutrients to sip into it.


Lavender, better known as mosquito repellent, can also heal burn scars on the skin. For how to do this, just prepare lavender oil and aloe vera.

After that, mix the two ingredients. Apply the material evenly on the feet or hands that have burn scars.

Banana peel

Banana peel turns out to have very good benefits for treatment, including removing burn scars. This is because there are active compounds that are good for the body’s skin.

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You simply rub the banana peel into the burn scar until the banana peel changes color. This method is for the nutrients contained to absorb into the skin.

Cucumber Fruit

Cucumber is very rich in nutrients, such as potassium and vitamin C which acts as an antidote to free radicals. In addition there is silica which helps collagen production.

For how to process it by blending the cucumber until smooth. Then apply on the scar. We recommend that you let it sit overnight. After morning just rinse with water.

Noni Juice

The scopoletin compound contained in it has anti-inflammatory function which is good for the body, especially scars. How to use it, you prepare Noni Juice and a small towel. Then wet the towel with Noni Juice.

Apply compresses to the areas of the hands or feet that have burn scars. Wait for it to dry. Clean with warm water. You should do this 3 times a day until the scar is gone.

Those are some choices of natural ingredients that we can use in removing burn scars. Do this process regularly every day so that the results are effective. (R11/HR-Online)

Editor : Eva Latifah

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