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Elderly Cleaners on Total Strike Against Elior-Derichebourg Group in France

Since February 23, around thirty cleaners who clean state administration premises have been on total strike against the Elior group taken over by Derichebourg.

There are 12 cleaning women, all elderly, who are transferred to EHPADs, to the CHU (including one aged 67), or elsewhere. On the sites, there are so many positions lost that the strikers, who clean large state buildings, do not accept.

All this for what ? So that the shareholders of Elior-Derichebourg can continue to eat caviar and that the millionaires Derichebourg and Zolade (Elior) remain among the top richest in France

The intimidation maneuvers attempted by management only reinforced the rage of the strikers. Thursday, March 7, they begin their 10th day of strike, determined to push back their bosses!

2024-03-07 01:45:43
#Cleaning #strike #Grenoble #Shame #EliorDerichebourg

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