Home » today » World » Elbieta Witek’s husband died. Stanis³aw Witek struggled with a serious illness for a long time. He was 72 years old

Elbieta Witek’s husband died. Stanis³aw Witek struggled with a serious illness for a long time. He was 72 years old

Stanisław Witek died on April 13. Information about the death of the husband of former Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek, was shared on Facebook by activists Law and Justice from the Legnica-Jeleniogórski district. “At the age of 72 after a long and difficult journey disease Stanisław Witek, former member of the Board of the Zagłębie Miedziowe Region and activist of Educational Solidarity, has died,” PiS representatives informed.

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Elżbieta Witek’s husband is dead. PiS activists expressed their condolences to the former marshal

PiS activists expressed their condolences to Elżbieta Witek and other family members of the deceased. “We send our deepest sympathy and condolences to Elżbieta Witek and the entire family of the late Stanisław Witek,” they wrote.

Stanisław Witek was an opposition activist during the Polish People’s Republic. As we read on the website “Solidarności”, Witek organized the distribution of underground publications, participated in poster and wall painting campaigns, and also printed opposition magazines. Stanisław Witek was a teacher at a primary school in Paszowice, he also sat on the council of Jawor County (Lower Silesia Voivodeship).

Stanisław Witek died. Media: The man stayed in the ICU in Legnica for two years

Journalists determined that Stanisław Witek had been in a vegetative state for two years in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Legnica. In April 2023, the matter was reported Radio ZET. It was reported that the prosecutor’s office received a notification from a woman whose mother had to wait eight days for a free bed in the ICU, and died on the ninth day. The notification concerned the possibility of exceeding the powers and taking advantage of official and personal dependence by the hospital in Legnica.

As we wrote, the Speaker of the Sejm later explained that she had talked to journalists about the situation and “actually answered all questions.” – I thought that journalists would understand the context, that I’m not keeping my husband there because it’s convenient for me, because that’s not the case – Witek explained and added: “Hope all the time is. I will never lose her

The Eurozet Group confirmed that such a conversation took place, but – as spokesman Michał Aleksandrowicz emphasized – the politician did not agree to quote any of her statements. She also did not respond to written questions.

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