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Effects of Large Temperature Differences on the Human Body in Timisoara: Expert Advice and Protective Measures

TIMISOARA. Large temperature differences represent a stress factor for the human body, putting pressure on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This vulnerability most often affects young children, the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, especially patients with chronic lung diseases.

The human body has the ability to adapt to temperature differences, but this requires time. A difference of 4 degrees Celsius is amortized in 10 to 12 days. Large temperature differences can lead to thermal stress, affecting the body’s ability to regulate internal temperature.

A sudden and significant drop in the temperature of the environment, such as from 18-19 degrees Celsius to 2-3 degrees Celsius, as happened in the last few days, can have significant effects on the human body and can be extremely dangerous. Among the effects are the constriction of peripheral blood vessels, but also the stress on the cardiovascular system. Large temperature differences can put additional pressure on it. Which translates into an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which can be dangerous for people with pre-existing heart conditions. At the same time, breathing can become more difficult, as the body cannot adapt as quickly, and people with respiratory diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), can experience more severe symptoms in such conditions. These symptomatic impairments occur against the background of bronchial spasm, often triggered in the context of a sudden drop in temperature, but also against the background of a decrease in immunity and an increase in the risk of infection“, Dr. Adra Trusculescu – primary pulmonologist.

There are several stages that our body goes through during the adaptation period.

This adaptation period represents a complex and effective response of the body to temperature changes. Thus, cellular metabolism is accelerated, so that the body produces more energy and heat to compensate for the drop in temperature. Adaptation to the new metabolic requirements may take several days. The immune system may be stressed, and adaptation to sudden changes may require a longer period to strengthen. Enzymes involved in metabolic processes become more active, contributing to better temperature regulation, but this also requires time. Breathing may become faster to compensate for changes in temperature, which greatly affects patients with lung diseases. In other words, the human body has the ability to adapt to temperature changes, maintaining a constant body temperature. when the temperature drops, the body accelerates the metabolism, redistributes the blood to the vital organs and sweats less. in the case of an increase in temperature, the body sweats more, reduces the metabolism and can adopt a behavior that helps to maintain the body temperature.

Patients with lung diseases can be more affected by temperature changes than healthy people. This is caused by the fact that these patients have breathing difficulties, which can make it difficult for them to maintain a constant body temperature.

if the temperature drops, patients with lung diseases may present symptoms such as tremors, chills, dizziness and reduced concentration. in the case of an increase in temperature, symptoms such as shortness of breath (dyspnea), cough, chest pain and weakness may occur. It is important for patients with chronic lung diseases to avoid exposure to extreme temperatures“, says Dr. Adra Trusculescu – primary pulmonologist.

To minimize the risks associated with large temperature differences, it is important to take appropriate protective measures:

• Adequate layering of clothing: layered clothing helps maintain body heat.

• Hydration: Adequate consumption of hot drinks is essential to maintain physiological functions in low temperature conditions.

• Balanced diet: A diet rich in nutrients supports metabolism and organic functions.

• Moderate physical activity: Moderate physical exercises stimulate the production of internal heat.

• Using an air humidifier.

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2023-12-05 07:11:00
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