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Education for Sustainable Development – Interview with Greenpeace

In Italy the school subject “climate change” is to be introduced. Should that also happen in Germany? Why?

Katarina Roncevic: It is to be welcomed that the topic of climate change has found its way into schools and that active climate protection is also emerging from schools. It is important to us that sustainability is not outsourced into one subject, but rather is anchored as a guiding principle and cross-sectional topic not only through all subjects, but also in the model of the school. Climate change is an excellent opportunity to take it up in various subjects, including politics, geography, ethics, physics. Climate change is a global, diverse and complex topic that must certainly also be viewed from a global, multidimensional perspective. Don’t complex challenges also require complex solutions?

What general tips do you have about climate and sustainability in your personal everyday life?

What each individual can do:

1. Become politically active in citizens’ groups, NGOs and at demos

2 Repair clothing and cell phones, and go to thrift and repair cafes

3. Buy primarily organic and fair-trade products

4. Passing on skills to others

5. Avoid garbage, plastic, packaging, disposable cups

6. Ride a bicycle and use public transport more than by car

7. Switch to green electricity and save energy

8. Eat no or less meat and only from animal welfare

9. Buy regional and organic products

10. Switch to a bank that deals with money sustainably

11. Be a role model and share your fun doing good

What you can ask for or implement with many others:

12. The regeneration of the used world

13. Comprehensive avoidance of oil

14. Innovative living concepts

15. Innovative Mobilitätskonzepte

16. Develop new technologies

17. Ecological taxes

18. Incorporation of ecological follow-up costs

19. Increased efficiency

20. Emissions emissions

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