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Educate children about the corona virus

The children’s aid organization UNICEF has published tips on how best to educate children about the corona virus. First of all, you could ask children what they already know about the current situation and the virus. Parents should try to make the explanation child-friendly, for example by drawing things on. The children should find out how we are affected by the situation in Münster, especially if they see pictures from Italy on the news, for example. Parents should always be truthful.

Parents should be role models

To protect their own children, parents should take their role model seriously by washing their hands frequently and avoiding social contacts. The child should, of course, also be encouraged to do this, for example by parents portraying the child as a hero because washing the hands helps to fight an “evil” virus.

In the meantime, there are some tips on the Internet that can be used to encourage your own children to wash their hands.

Tips from the Internet to protect children:

The virus monster on hand

For example, parents can paint a “virus monster” on their children’s hands with a ballpoint pen. The monster should then be washed off in the evening – so the child thinks about washing his hands and has a specific goal in mind.

Make transmission clear with glitter

It works similarly if you lubricate the children’s hands with cream and then sprinkle glitter over them. The child notices: The glitter (i.e. the viruses) spread when it touches objects or touches the face. Here, too, the child learns that the viruses in the form of glitter only disappear if they are washed thoroughly from the hands.

Make soap more interesting

So that the children like to wash their hands, you can pour a bar of soap yourself and put a small toy figure in the soap. To do this, you have to melt raw soap carefully and pour it into a mold. As long as the soap is liquid, add a character and let it harden. If the hand is washed frequently, the child then receives the character as a reward. It is less complex, but still interesting for the children, if colored beads or Lego bricks are added to the liquid soap.

Hair from the face

Many children touch their faces because their hair is annoying. Therefore, especially now it should be ensured that the bangs are either cut regularly or the hair is fastened with clips.

Hands wash song

It is particularly important that the children (and adults) wash their hands long enough. As a rule of thumb: singing 2x Happy Birthday should be enough to wash all viruses off your hands. You can also write your own hand-washing songs. Blogger Anna Frost shows it:

Here is the text:

Every child has to wash hands, wash hands.

Wash your hands, wash your hands until they are clean.

Don’t forget your thumb, yes!

Because the two are a couple.

Above and below.

Left hand and right hand.

And also the fingertips.

Don’t forget the hedgehog.

Soap everything again

and whistle for the viruses!

Do you have any ideas? Please send us a WhatsApp voice message to 0251 28 95 40!

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