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Eating too many cooked onions: what happens to our body?

What happens to the body from eating too many cooked onions? Given the popularity of the vegetable, there are many people who ask this question. In the next lines of this article, you can find the complete answer.


The benefits of onion

Before framing the consequences of eating too much cooked onions, let’s see for a moment what are the main benefits of this fantastic vegetable. Onion has several beneficial properties. Among these, it is possible to mention the richness in water (in a hectogram of vegetables, we can find more than 80 grams).

Distinguished by antibacterial and antiviral properties, onion is a source of C vitamin, prodigious antioxidant. Among the other allies against free radicals, we find vitamin A and vitamin E.

When talking about the reasons why the onion is good for your health, it is worth mentioning the presence of allicina, a molecule capable of acting by reducing cholesterol in the liver. No doubt about it: onion is a real concentrate of beneficial properties! Among these, it is also possible to mention the presence of B vitamins, which are important for maintaining efficient metabolism.

Rich in potassium and for this reason useful for improving blood pressure regularity and protecting the heart, onions should be taken after informing your doctor as they can interfere with the efficacy of aspirin.

That said, we can see what happens to our body when we eat too many cooked onions.

What happens when you eat too many cooked onions?

Eating too many raw onions it’s dangerous? What happens to our body? When you include onions in your diet, it is good to moderate the quantities taken. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking about cooked onions or raw onions.

As for the recommended amount each day, it is good to specify that only one onion that’s fine (we’re talking about a vegetable weighing about 100 grams). By consuming one onion a day, you can maximize the amazing benefits of this vegetable.

At this point, it is natural to ask why it is appropriate to moderate the consumption of cooked onions (but also raw ones). The reason is related to the fact that, in some cases, this vegetable it may not be very easy to digest.

In addition, excessive consumption of onions can cause areophagy. It is essential to remember that the intake of cooked and raw onions should be avoided in case of irritable bowel syndrome. It should not be forgotten that, overdoing onions, increases the risk of having bad breath problems.

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