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E-Health: growing use but a strong need for information

Digital becomes an essential tool for access to health services. Teleconsultation, Shared Medical File (DMP), Pharmaceutical File (DP)… Where are the French today in their appropriation and use of digital health services? The question arises a few months before the deployment of “My Health Space” (January 2022), a public service that will allow everyone to store and share their documents and health data with health professionals and establishments in complete security and confidentiality. This new platform therefore aims to facilitate the circulation of health data: prescriptions, treatments, test results, medical history, hospitalization report, vaccination …

In a recent CSA survey, the patient association France Assos Santé therefore took an interest in the report of the French with “E-Health”, or a field of applications of information and telecommunications technologies in the service of health. It turns out that the French already seem adept since 88% of respondents who use the internet use digital services in the part of their health journey, such as Ameli.fr (67%) or online dating platforms (59%). As for data management, trust is building up but transparency is still lacking. In fact, 65% of users of online health services have confidence in securing health data. An even higher score among the chronically ill patient population: 70%.

Dehumanization of health, confidentiality of data … obstacles persist

However, the survey shows the ignorance that the French have of their rights with regard to of their health data since only 24% know their rights to oppose them. Teleconsultation and online appointment booking services have been “boosted” by the health crisis: 30% of French people have already resorted to teleconsultation, against 7% before the Covid-19 with a satisfaction rate estimated at 7.4 / 10. “For patients, teleconsultation benefits from several advantages, in particular the practical side (saving time, reducing delays), but they are aware of the limits of the device. Technical concerns or difficulties digital access for part of the population are seen as obstacles, ”emphasizes France Assos Santé.

Thus, for some respondents, the lack of direct contact can dehumanize the consultation, with 2 out of 10 users who feel less comfortable than face-to-face. This probably explains why 67% of respondents believe that teleconsultation is a practical alternative to a face-to-face consultation and not a replacement solution. But if teleconsultation is now part of the practices of the French, the Shared Medical Record (DMP) and Pharmaceutical File (DP) are mostly used little or not. Nearly 8 out of 10 French people have heard of the Shared Medical File, but just under 50% of them know how it works. In addition, only 35% of respondents have opened one (45% in patients) and half use it.

My Health Space: high expectations from users

This low rate of use is mainly explained by the fact that “ health professionals do not fill it. “, Reports France Assos Santé. The Pharmaceutical File is little known and its characteristics remain unclear: only 11% of respondents say they have one. Created by the law of January 30, 2007, the latter identifies drugs dispensed in the last four months, whether prescribed by the doctor or advised by the pharmacist (21 years for vaccines, 3 years for biological drugs). With this mixed observation, what will happen for the use of “Mon Espace Santé” ? Already, the services that will be included in this space arouse a strong interest among 7 out of 10 users: DMP, Ameli, secure messaging, health diary, PD …

In addition, 82% of respondents believe that this new service “will facilitate the treatment path both for health professionals and patients. “For France Assos Santé, these results” reveal the enormous potential that digital health represents to enable health users to improve their health. take their health journey in hand, but also the current weaknesses to be filled. The generalization of Mon Espace Santé is a fundamental lever to encourage the French to take ownership of digital services and anchor them in the daily habits of the care pathway. “Provided, however, believes the association, of better communication on user rights and to support populations remote from digital technology for geographic or demographic reasons.

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