Home » today » World » Dylan Alcott, the world n ° 1 in the quad category, will hang up

Dylan Alcott, the world n ° 1 in the quad category, will hang up

It is a giant of its category who will bow out. Winner of fifteen Grand Slam titles in singles (including the four contested in 2021) and eight in doubles (again with a Grand Slam in 2019) in quad, one of the categories of wheelchair tennis, Dylan Alcott announced on Tuesday that he would end his career after the Australian Open, which he will try to win for the eighth time in singles.

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“There is no better way to end than in my hometown (Melbourne). The Australian Open changed my life ”, he said on Tuesday, confiding that he was “A little more proud” of what he has accomplished to change the outlook on disability than of his athletic performance. “Being a good tennis player is probably the 32nd priority in my life … Being a good person is the first”, added the one who was four times Olympic champion, three in tennis and one in wheelchair basketball (2008).

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