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Dybala-Inter on stand-by, Milan thinks about it: first telephone contact

The Nerazzurri remain ahead, but the Rossoneri are starting to think about the rudeness: Cardinale wants to give the fans a gift

Dybala-Inter it seemed done, but the return of Lukaku changed everything and now the Milan he dreams of the sensational market rudeness to his cousins. After the braking in the negotiations with the Nerazzurri in fact, according to what is reported The Corriere della Serayesterday some managers of the group from London Elliott they would have had telephone conversations with the Argentine player’s entourage to understand the status of the negotiations with Inter and Joya’s financial requests.

At the moment only a survey, no negotiations, but the idea is becoming more and more concrete at Casa Milan. The Joya, as reported by Claudio Raimondi, would be Gerry Cardinale’s great gift to the Rossoneri fans. The technical approval by Paolo Maldini and Frederic Massara on the other hand it is not in question but, given the Rossoneri’s policy on salaries, the deal would become possible only if Dybala and the prosecutor Antun were ready to lower the economic demands.

Inter still remains in the lead, Dybala will wait for the Nerazzurri because he has a pact with Marotta, but not indefinitely and at the moment it does not seem easy to break the ice of a negotiation that has been on standby for days. A new meeting between the Inter CEO and the intermediary is expected in the next few days Fabrizio De Vecchi (it is not certain that Antun will also be there), but it will not be a decisive summit. Inter will tell Dybala that we still need to be patient as we need some exits first – the names are the same: Vidal, Sanchez and one of Dzeko or Correa – and in any case to limit Antun’s claims.

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