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Due to slow charging, Tesla will have to pay its customers 16 thousand US dollars

A Norwegian court has ordered Tesla to pay $ 16,000 in compensation to owners of Tesla Model S and Model X whose cars have deteriorated since the manufacturer’s last software update.

In Norway, a court has ordered Tesla to pay American electric car owners $ 16,000, reports Electrek. The publication writes that the cause of the lawsuit was too slow charging of batteries in cars in Supercharger stations after the software update. In addition, drivers also complained about the reduction in the running reserve of their electric cars.

According to one of the owners of Tesla in 2014, initially his car could travel 397 kilometers on a single charge, but after the update, this figure dropped to 349 kilometers.

The plague has affected thousands of Tesla Model S and Model X cars with an 85 kWh battery.

A Tesla spokesman said one of the goals of the software update was to “protect the battery and extend its life,” adding that only a small percentage of American electric car owners were affected by the problem.

There are currently about 10,000 American electric car owners in Norway. It is still unknown whether Tesla will appeal the court’s decision. Currently, similar claims are being heard by courts in other countries.

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