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Dresden: Can Dresden hedgehogs study music?

Dresden. It is still unclear whether a mother hedgehog and her two cubs are great music lovers. What is certain is that the hedgehog family has been living in a wooden shed near the emergency exit of the university library since Thursday. The library staff discovered the three hedgehogs right outside their door. They are very happy about the newcomers and stand by their neighbors.

The team would of course be very happy if the small family could stay, after all, the animals have already built a cozy nest, says Anja Göhler, head of the university library. To ensure the health and survival of the animals, Göhler and her team are in close contact with the hedgehog sanctuary in Radebeul.

Since the single mother hedgehog leaves her young six weeks after the birth and they take over the territory from then on, the hedgehog friends are primarily concerned with bringing the young animals through the winter. Because there is not enough food in the vicinity of the library, the employees of the University of Music should, on the advice of the hedgehog station, provide the young hedgehogs with food. If they had eaten enough bacon for the winter by October, the small mammals could stay, explains Göhler. Otherwise the passionate hedgehog friends would have to hand over the little four-legged friends to the hedgehog station.

Further articles

The library team takes care of the hedgehog’s winter fat. The library staff feed the hedgehogs with wheat-free cat food on a daily basis. But next week there should be something special for the spiny animals. Since eggs contain important nutrients for hedgehogs, a library employee has decided to pamper the hedgehogs with homemade scrambled eggs.

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