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Draw to understand science

It’s strange that we always try to separate science and art. However, like artists, scholars are constantly working on abstraction as well as concrete. Whether it’s a new virus, an astronomical discovery, an analysis of a consumer product, or a new animal species, it all starts with an idea for an experiment that leads to the creation of a theory. Suddenly, if science was discovered, it fell into the same category as art.

Besides, the two of them They are inseparable. Indeed, early autopsy scientists paid attention to what they observed. Darwin returned from the Galapagos Islands with many diagrams to feed his thinking. Charles Messier spent his nights drawing the stars he saw in the sky and learned to recognize comets, including those called Halley.

Thus, the picture of the note becomes approximate Informal communication systems in science. This allows for better integration of scientific concepts. The design of the solar system, human anatomy, cell diagrams, and even representations of atoms all serve to make complex ideas more realistic at first glance. So don’t be surprised about that Students are invited to draw What do they pay attention to. Whether it’s a plant, animal, or cell seen under a microscope, they are all good reasons to take notes on paper.

Proven method

Does this practice of drawing have any real educational contribution? Studies and papers on this topic appear to be somewhat positive in this respect. From kindergarten, drawing can be a good method Instill some scientific terms in young children. So, by watching stick insects or cockroaches reproduce throughout the class, they are not only able to tame these harmless creatures and understand their anatomy. Little by little, accompanied by the master, they will deal with problems of the legs, antennae, and even the chest. In addition, for English speaking children this exercise is very important as it may be easier at first to reproduce what they see than to speak verbally in a language they are not good at.

Indeed, for some, observational drawing at such a young age is a gateway To transfer scientific processes. In fact, children in this process were invited to explore their hypotheses first. For example, what will happen to ice cubes if you place it near a heater? Once their ideas are put on paper, they can try them out for themselves or observe what experiments have been made of them. They will then be asked to describe what happened. This way, young people will be able to see the differences (or similarities) in their original scenarios and what actually happened. Kind of like a researcher.

Moreover, observational drawing is not only suitable for children in kindergarten, elementary or high school. Natural science students can greatly benefit from learning how to do this. What’s more, some of them will in turn become teachers who should ideally provide visual aids to students.

So, University of Wyoming It’s put into his approach A designer arrives ready to show them the basic principles of the drawing. After that, they performed several spells outside the room where they had to make an observation diagram. Given this approach, most students claim to value this type of image more and would like to incorporate it more into their university work elsewhere (teaching, research, etc.).

How to make a note drawing

The idea of ​​inviting a designer reminds us of one thing: observational drawings, in particular, in a school setting are not done as they should. You don’t have to have the genius of a great painter. However, the diagram must be accurate enough to show that the observation has been made.

As shown this video, You need a space at the top to write the question or what was noted, a place for the name and category at the bottom of the page, and above it, there is a place for the answer. The graph must respect the margins that will be used in the legend and others to call the zoom scale. Which data is more relevant when Observation under a microscope. Here Examples of twigs Linden tree with leaves:

This is what most life science and earth science teachers expect. Suddenly, you have to explain to students that they should avoid putting pressure on the pencil scratches and smearing. Also, the lines of the legend must be straight and not intersect in order for the copy to be legible. Of course it will be necessary, at the outset, to build a lot of practice so that students can master this art. A demanding approach that allows concrete understanding of biological, physical and other phenomena.

Clarification : _Alice_ from Pixabay

Reference :

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Powers, Anna. “Why art is so important for studying science.” Forbes. Last updated: July 31, 2020. https://www.forbes.com/sites/annapowers/2020/07/31/why-art-is-vital-to-the-study-of-science/?sh=559e281342eb.

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Keywords:Teaching of Technical Sciences, Observation, Pedagogy, Understanding, SVT, Representation of Sketches, Drawing of Natural Science Studies

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