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Dr. Nenkov announced a mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 – Diseases

  • September 06, 2021

  • 1872
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  • I do not work on the first line and directly with patients with coronavirus. I want to emphasize it. But the patient flow is slowly increasing. This is a normal process. The epidemic has its own logic.

    This was stated in the show “Hello, Bulgaria” on NOVA by Dr. Miroslav Nenkov

    Miroslav Nenkov was born on March 15, 1969 in the city of Sofia. He graduated with a degree .

    He also commented on poor vaccination and people’s distrust. According to him, for years the trust between the medical guild and the patients has been torpedoed. “There is a process that has been going on since the time of the infamous communism, which is driving a wedge between my guild and the patients. The communist changes came, which still plague us to this day. Then doctors like me had to talk to patients about money, and that destroys trust. Then came this crisis, which the former prime minister personally manages and personally fills this wedge between us doctors and patients by creating 7 staffs, 8 other structures, with purely political decisions, coming from headquarters, “Nenkov said.

    488 new cases of COVID-19 in our country for the last 24 hours

    “They don’t believe us. People do not wonder why the authorities will have to account for data with many sick and many dead. Why will they chip you, how important are you to someone? ”, commented Dr. Nenkov. According to him, there are doctors who refuse to enter the COVID wards. Why sacrifice? Who will oblige them? Is it because of Prime Minister Yanev? ”He asked. “The virus is easily transmitted, it can be difficult to get rid of. There are already vaccines, we have experience with them. They are not so heavy and scary. “The vaccine is much less likely to harm us than it is to benefit us,” he added.

    According to him, individual guilds and people cannot be obliged to be immunized. “Either everyone commits or they don’t. However, there is no brave enough leader to say that vaccination is becoming mandatory, “said Dr. Nenkov.

    Philip Epitropov


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