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Dr. Hassan Madan: The Influence of Ignorance on Creativity and Success

Dr.. Hassan Madan

Perhaps the example of the American film director Orson Welles (1915-1985) provides a different example from the one we mentioned in our article “Inspired by the Cézanne Exhibition,” which was published a few days ago, when the American psychologist Carroll was shocked. S. Dweck was taken by the works of the visual artist Paul Cézanne when she visited an exhibition of his early works, and found many, if not most of them, which did not indicate that he would become a great artist.

As for Orson Welles, he was not yet twenty-five years old when he contracted with RKO to produce his first film, “Citizen Kane,” and he had not directed or acted in any film before, so the film became an experimental work in which he rebelled against the established norm. From traditional methods of film directing, especially since the producing company gave it creative freedom and did not restrict it to any templates, it became one of the few films that remained at the forefront for a long time and still does, despite more than eighty years having passed since its production, after it was first shown in 1941. ; Indeed, there are those who consider it one of the greatest things that “Hollywood” has produced, if not the greatest ever, due to the artistic means that its director created that were influenced by famous directors over the decades. Before him, films proceeded according to a direct chronological order from the beginning, through the climax, and then the conclusion. While Welles’ film begins with the hero’s death scene, then a news tape explaining his entire life, he also went beyond the rule followed before him by using famous heroines to ensure the film’s success, as most of the film’s heroes, both women and men, were unknown.

In a televised interview with Welles to clarify his opinion on the reasons for the success of “Citizen Kane,” we will be shocked by his response to a question about the source of the confidence he showed in the film, which made it so impressive, as he attributed its success to his ignorance. Yes, his ignorance, saying that “there is no confidence equivalent to ignorance… because when you are proficient in a certain field, you become cautious and hesitant.” When he was asked to explain how ignorance creates excellence in the way that appeared in his film, he replied: “I believed that the camera can produce everything that the eye sees or the imagination creates, and if you start in the world of the film industry from the bottom of the professional ladder, you learn all the things and attempts that photographers reject.” I accomplished it for fear that they would be criticized, and in my case I had a photographer who was not afraid of failure. Because of my ignorance that there are things that cannot be accomplished or skipped, I tried to photograph all the things that I dreamed of (…), only because I did not know that they were theoretically impossible. ».

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