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Dozens of Students Walk Out of Duke University’s Commencement Ceremony as Jerry Seinfeld Prepares to Speak

Students Walk Out During Jerry Seinfeld’s Commencement Speech at Duke University

Durham, North Carolina – In a display of protest, dozens of students at Duke University’s commencement ceremony made an abrupt exit as renowned actor and comedian Jerry Seinfeld took the stage to deliver his address. Videos circulating on social media captured the students waving Palestinian flags and walking out of the football stadium where the ceremony took place.

The walkout began as Duke University President Vincent Price introduced Seinfeld, but his words were drowned out by some attendees chanting “free Palestine” while others loudly cheered for the comedian. Despite the disturbances, Seinfeld proceeded with his speech, which was ultimately not affected by the walkout. Unfortunately, the livestream of the ceremony did not capture the students leaving the venue.

Seinfeld’s Honorary Degree Speech at Duke Focuses on Humor and Privilege

The 70-year-old Seinfeld, an ardent supporter of Israel, was honored with a degree by Duke University and delivered a commencement address that largely steered clear of politics. Instead, his speech featured jokes about the graduating students, artificial intelligence, and the notion of privilege. “A lot of you may be thinking, ‘I can’t believe they invited this guy.’ Well, it’s too late,” Seinfeld humorously remarked, pledging to defend the concept of privilege. He further added, “I say, use your privilege. I grew up a Jewish boy from New York. That is a privilege if you want to be a comedian.”

The departing students outside the stadium chanted in unison, “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest,” according to reports from The New York Times. Seinfeld has not publicly commented on the walkout.

Protests for Divestment on Campuses and Impact on Commencement Ceremonies

The walkout at Duke University is part of a wider movement of student protests advocating for universities to divest from companies involved in the war in Gaza. Other notable incidents include a brief interruption of the University of Michigan’s commencement ceremony earlier this month and the cancellation or restructuring of ceremonies at Columbia University and the University of Southern California due to student protests.

The University of Texas, Austin witnessed a student displaying a Palestinian flag on stage during a commencement ceremony, refusing to leave until security escorted them away. At the University of California, Berkeley, pro-Palestinian demonstrators were briefly escorted to the back of the stadium, leading to minor frustrations among attendees.

The protests have seen varying responses from universities, with some institutions rescinding commencement invitations to speakers amid intense student outcry over the conflict in Gaza. Xavier University of Louisiana and the University of Vermont both faced pressure to retract invitations extended to United Nations Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, due to disagreements over the Biden administration’s support for Israel.

Peaceful Protests in Graduation Ceremonies a Long-Standing Tradition

The commencement ceremony disruptions continue a tradition of peaceful protests during graduation events at several universities. The University of Wisconsin-Madison witnessed a silent protest at Camp Randall Stadium, while at Virginia Commonwealth University, around 100 students and families walked out during Governor Glenn Youngkin’s speech, displaying signs opposing Youngkin’s policies on education.

As schools grapple with the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, students are using commencements as a platform to voice their concerns and demand change.

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