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Doubs. National Education unions launch a social alert

The discontent is not new but it reached a new milestone this Tuesday, November 28 with the filing of a social alert in the Doubs by an inter-union composed of the CGT Éduc’action, the FSU-SNUipp 25 and SUD Éducation Franche- County. Marjorie Breney, school teacher and co-secretary of FSU-SNUipp, explains the reason for this action: “Everything is going from strength to strength since the change of minister”. Gabriel Attal, appointed Minister of National Education and Youth on July 20, is far from unanimous: “Everything that has been announced since the start of the year continues to fuel an overflowing vase. »

“The students of today are not the same as those of yesterday”

At the forefront of the criticisms, the deterioration of the working conditions of teachers and AESH and the elimination of 1,709 teaching positions in the 1is degree for the start of the 2024 school year. “We are told that there is a drop in the number of students. But this is a national figure and if we take the average per class, it is insignificant. On the ground, we do not feel the drop in the number of students,” proclaims Marjorie Breney who adds: “The students of today are not the same as those of yesterday. They are asking for more staff, profiles are changing and it is necessary to have more supervision.” A demand for human resources that the inter-union defends and which is not limited to teaching positions: “There is a lack of teachers but also of medical-social staff, school psychologists, etc. We want job creation.” According to Marjorie Breney, this lack of personnel would have a significant impact on teacher training: “For us to go on training, it is imperative to have a replacement. As there are not enough of them, teacher training is almost non-existent.” As a result, it is sometimes difficult to find the right response to a behavior.

Growing inequalities among students

If this social alert was filed, in Doubs as in each French department, it is also with students in mind and the inequalities which are reinforced in times of crisis. “To combat these inequalities, it is necessary to have more human resources but also a reduction in numbers per class.”

For the inter-union, the inclusion of students with disabilities must be done “with dignified training. Today, it is done without additional resources and without specific training for all staff. » The unease is therefore palpable within the inter-union and Gabriel Attal serves as the ideal target: “We feel completely abandoned, cornered by our minister. There were announcement effects but these were publicity stunts, it’s so far from what we need.” A gap which therefore led the inter-union to file a social alert.

An alert which is not an end in itself since if the expected responses, both at the national and departmental level, are not satisfactory, a strike notice will be filed.

2023-11-28 17:34:02
#Doubs #National #Education #unions #launch #social #alert

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