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Don’t Forget Protein When Eating, What Are the Benefits?

TEMPO.CO, JakartaProtein is a macronutrient needed for growth, healing, to increase endurance. Therefore, protein consumption is one of the important nutrients that must be included in the daily menu. According to the Professor of the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Indonesia, Sandra Fikawati, animal and vegetable proteins function for growth and healing, the formation of body organs, and muscle mass. “It is important for us to know that the function of animal protein is very significant, especially in the growth and development of children because it is a constituent substance and builder of cells that make up the body’s organs. The main sources of good animal protein can be obtained, among others, from milk, eggs, fish, and others,” said the expert who is familiarly called Prof. Fika.

In more detail, Fika mentioned the importance of animal protein because its essential amino acids are more complete that the body needs for growth and development. Animal protein comes from animals that have better protein quality, because there are essential amino acids. So protein is a chemical compound consisting of amino acids whose function is for growth, building and regulation. “The body needs 20 types of amino acids, nine of which are essential amino acids, which are obtained from foods containing animal protein. The rest can be obtained from the body itself. The way the essential amino acids work is to support hormones, including growth hormone,” he said later.

According to him, as a good source of animal protein, the nutritional content of milk is more complete than eggs or fish. Another advantage, milk is mostly fortified with nutrients that are absent or lacking, such as Fe (iron). Another fortification on milk such as vitamins A, D, Fe, making the nutritional content of milk quite complete. In general, besides being practical, milk can be drunk without or with any complementary foods and at any time.

Because of the variety of nutrients contained in milk, so it can meet all nutritional needs at all ages from childhood, adulthood to the elderly. The contribution of milk in every phase of life is the presence of protein, in childhood, this nutritional need is the key to growth and development. Entering pre and adult age, calcium in milk is needed to prevent osteoporosis. For all ages, milk also supports the immune system which is needed to help prevent infection.

“So from an early age, adults to the elderly, of course everyone needs milk because complete nutritional needs are in milk. Therefore, the role of the family is very important, because the type of food consumed is very dependent on the diet adopted by the family, especially the mother as a decision maker. This is where the important role of the family, in this case parents, is to always provide optimal nutritional intake for all family members,” said Fika.

Lack of animal protein increases the risk of stunting

The Program Coordinator of the INEY Stunting Secretariat, Bappenas, Harris Rambey PhD, said that during the child developmentProtein is needed to build cognitive, build body cells, children’s growth both physically and intellectually. “This is the basic concept of the importance of eating high-protein foods. With a note that breastfeeding has been exclusive for 6 months. Then proceed with the MPASI stage which is nutritious and high in animal protein content such as milk,” said Harris.

When compared to children who consume milk and animal protein with children who do not consume milk and other animal proteins, the risk of developing stunting is indeed quite large for those who do not or lack animal protein and milk.

According to the recommendations of WHO and IDAI, Dr. Denta reminded, children should receive breast milk for the first 6 months without other additional foods. After 6 months of age, they are introduced to complementary foods (MPASI) such as animal and vegetable protein. However, it must be remembered that the principle of complementary feeding is food with complete and balanced nutrition. So it must contain all kinds of nutrients from carbohydrates, fats and vitamins and minerals.

In line with that, Fika explained that there are a number of bad effects when the body lacks animal protein intake, including the body will lack growth hormone, impaired cell regeneration, cells do not grow properly, not to mention the immune system is disturbed, so you often get sick, muscle mass does not increase. . That is why it is difficult to grow or grow if there is a lack of animal protein. In the end it leads to stunting and the worst is cognitive impairment. “Animal protein is important in preventing and overcoming stunting, although it should not be ignored that all nutrients, from carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients, are still needed,” said Denta’s doctor.

He reiterated that breast milk is a baby’s intake that must be given after birth, after MPASI, the baby must be given complete and balanced nutrition. Starting from MPASI, milk can be a source of animal protein as a complement and can be combined with other foods. Other sources of animal protein such as meat, fish, or eggs.

“The principle of giving MPASI is food with complete and balanced nutrition. So it must also contain carbohydrates, fats and vitamins and minerals. MPASI cannot be a single menu. For example, only given vegetables or fruit. Still have a complete menu with textures that are adapted to the child’s age. Therefore, there are complementary foods for breast milk that have been fortified with more complete nutritional content,” said dr. Denta.

The perfect solution to prevent stunting with milk and eggs

Denta added that stunting is the result of inadequate nutritional intake for a long time or conditions of poor nutritional status that are left for a long time. “If you are malnourished, your weight usually doesn’t increase, but if you are stunted, your height will also be affected,” said Denta

He emphasized that the most obvious impact of stunting is that apart from physically shortening the child, the damage caused by stunting has also reached his brain. So hard to recover again. It will be more difficult to pursue than growth disorders or other nutritional status disorders.

If during pregnancy, the mother’s nutritional intake is good, then the baby is unlikely to be malnourished. After that, exclusive breastfeeding was given for 6 months, followed by complementary feeding. “Well, at this stage of MPASI there is usually a critical period, or the risk of malnutrition. Nutritional needs at the age of 6 months after exclusive breastfeeding increases. Parents must be able to meet nutritional needs because there is a wide gap between nutritional needs and caloric needs that cannot be met with breast milk alone. If this gap is not met, then of course there will be growth disorders, impaired nutritional status, and if left alone without intervention, stunting will occur, “said dr. Denta reminded.

Prof. Fika added that milk, eggs and fish contain animal protein which is good for preventing and overcoming stunting. Eggs and fish are good but not practical for consumption, they must be processed first. “While milk is more practical to just drink. One fish contains 7 grams of protein, one box of milk contains at least 6 grams of protein,” he said.

“But children often don’t finish one fish, so their protein intake may only be 1 gram, while a box of medium-sized milk can be used up in one drink to get 4 grams of protein. The price is the same as other snacks, so it’s not true to say that milk is expensive,” said Fika.

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