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Don’t be afraid of vaccines, let Moms know a series of benefits for the body – all pages

Illustration of injecting vaccines in children

Nakita.id – Since ancient times, maybe Moms have often heard of the importance of giving campaigns immunization in children.

Immunization is given through vaccine. Vaccines are given by injection or oral drop into the mouth which aims to increase immunity and protect the body from disease.

However, besides the very good benefits for the body, there are still many Moms and children out there who are afraid to do vaccines.

In fact, Moms and children don’t need to worry. This is because the government has confirmed that the vaccine has passed clinical trials and ensures its safety and efficacy.

Besides, the production process vaccine have gone through the stages according to security procedures, Moms.

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This stage starts from pre-clinical trials in animals, followed by three stages of clinical trials in humans, until finally obtaining permission to use from National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM).

Benefits of vaccines to prevent disease

Vaccination has several benefits, including strengthening the body’s immune system, preventing infection and transmission of disease outbreaks, and reducing risks handicap and death.

This was further discussed in the Productive Dialogue with the theme of Active Immunization: Realizing a Better Quality of Life which was held by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Tuesday (24/11).

One of the speakers is a Pediatrician, dr. Endah Citraresmi, Sp.A (K), from the Caring Parents Foundation who explained more about the benefits vaccination for the body.

“In principle, vaccination will make a person immune so they don’t have to go through the sick phase when they are attacked virus or certain bacteria, “he said.

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Furthermore, dr. Endah appealed to the public not to easily believe in false information about vaccines and immunization.

In fact, there is very little chance of having bad side effects after taking the vaccine.

The report of the National Commission on Post-Immunization Follow-Up Events (KIPI) noted, of the 35 million vaccines distributed, there were only 18 cases related to immunization.

Furthermore, dr. Endah said, the most common post-immunization events were mild reactions such as pain and swollen around the injection site. This reaction is natural and can heal in no time.

Prevent pneumonia

Did you know, pneumonia is one of the most common diseases suffered by children under five in Indonesia.

This disease is a infection which causes inflammation of the air sacs in one or both lungs, which can fill with fluid.

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However, dr. Endah revealed that the Indonesian government considers vaccines to be a serious matter for improving public health.

“Serious disease that can lead to disability and death, we make the vaccine. That is why the under-five mortality rate in Indonesia has decreased so much compared to before vaccines were found. For example in the case pneumonia in Indonesia, the decline is because the vaccine has been found, and it is a disease that causes the most deaths in children under five, “said dr. Endah.

Vaccines are also made for adults and elderly people with the same function, namely keeping the body healthy and productive.

In children, vaccines are useful for loading their growth and development better.

“In essence, no government is willing to sacrifice its citizens. All countries, both developed and developing countries, make vaccines. Actually the state has guaranteed vaccine safety. In fact, the state continues to actively monitor the safety of vaccines to protect its citizens, “concluded Dr. Endah.

As long as you are still waiting for further good news regarding the Covid-19 vaccine, Moms and family members must still # RememberPesanIbu to implement protocols for wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance (3M).

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