Home » today » World » Donald Trump vows to send troops to Mexico border if re-elected as US President – Reuters

Donald Trump vows to send troops to Mexico border if re-elected as US President – Reuters

Former US President Donald Trump has said that if he is re-elected as head of state, he will send thousands of troops who are currently stationed abroad to the border with Mexico, Reuters reported, BTA reported.

Trump said this to his supporters at a rally in the state of Iowa, where the first vote for the Republican Party’s nomination for the US presidential election, which will be held in November next year, will be cast.

Trump called the wave of illegal immigrants crossing Mexico’s border with the United States an “invasion” and blamed the government of current US President Joe Biden. “Once I take office, I will immediately rescind all the open border policies of the Joe Biden administration,” Trump said at the event in Dubuque. “I will make it clear that we will use all necessary resources to stop the invasion, including the transfer of thousands of military personnel who are currently stationed abroad,” the former president said.

The Biden administration says it is using all available tools to tackle illegal immigration and has called on Congress to pass legislation to fix problems in the system.

In recent weeks, Trump’s rivals for the Republican presidential nomination have spoken more frequently on the issue of immigration and vowed to crack down on people crossing the Mexican-US border illegally, a sign of the issue’s importance among conservative voters, Reuters noted.

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2023-09-21 07:56:00
#Trump #send #troops #president

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