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Donald Trump, USA | Refuses to work under Trump if he is re-elected

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): America’s leading health expert, Anthony Fauci, says he will refuse to work under Donald Trump if he were to be elected president again in 2024.

Fauci worked under Trump during his presidency, but the two eventually quarreled with each other.

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– Not exactly optimal

Trump has on several occasions been criticized for his handling of the corona pandemic, and in an interview with CNN, Fauci says that Trump’s handling of the pandemic was not optimal.

On Sunday, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Fauci if he believed in Trump’s ability to handle the pandemic and whether he would work for Trump if he were re-elected.

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– Well, no, no to the second question, says Fauci.

– When it comes to the first question, if you look at the history of how the response was during the administration, I can say that at best it was not exactly optimal. And I think history will speak for itself when it comes to that, says Fauci.

– I do not want to comment on it any further than that, it is not productive, says Fauci.

– But you do not want to work under Trump again? It’s right to be able to say? asks Acosta.

– Correct. That’s for sure, Fauci replies.

Watch video of Anthony Fauci and CNN’s Jim Acosta here:

Melania Trump: – Should never say never

Donald Trump has so far not confirmed that he will run as a candidate in the next presidential election, but he has flirted with the idea several times. In an interview with Fox NewsMelania Trump also says that she does not rule out that there may be a comeback against the White House.

– I think we achieved a lot during the four years in the Trump administration. One should never say never, Melania answers the question of whether she could think of living in the White House again if Trump was re-elected.

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Over one million corona deaths

Last week came the news that over one million people in the United States have died as a result of covid-19.

The United States thus has the highest death toll of any country in the world, although the WHO suspects large dark numbers in several places, writes BBC.

President Joe Biden on Thursday last week ordered half-staff flagging to mark the grim milestone.

“We must be vigilant in the face of this pandemic and do what we can to save as many lives as possible, which we have all achieved with more testing, vaccines and treatment than ever before,” Biden said in a statement.

The United States has registered more than 80 million corona cases during the pandemic in a population of 330 million.

The first case was reported on January 20, 2020 when a man flew home to Seattle from Wuhan in China.

Health experts believe US high death rate may be linked to obesity and high blood pressure, congested hospitals, vaccine delays and an aging population, writes BBC.

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