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Domenico De Rosa: «Just a new starting point»

These honors are not expected or demanded. We simply work so that we can aspire to such important results”. It starts like this Domenico De Rosa, the CEO of SMET, appointed this April 10th as a Knight of the Italian Republic. Awarded with one of the highest awards for an Italian citizen and directly from the hands of the President Sergio Mattarella, Domenico De Rosa wanted to underline how this honor is nothing more than “a starting point from which to build the vision that, in SMET, we have demonstrated we have”.

Among the major merits attributed to SMET is the great commitment towards the search for an increasingly advanced and sustainable model. A mission which, as the CEO of the company recalls, comes from afar. “We have always invested in sustainability – explains De Rosa – and this has allowed us to obtain important and truly avant-garde results. This allowed us to offer the market, even before there was talk of the European green deal, a solution with high sensitivity towards environmental sustainability”.

Sustainability is probably the key word associated with the future

Without young people there is no future. Anyone who works in everyday life without paying attention to the new generations is not making the right choice – remarks the CEO of SMET -. As far as I’m concerned, I am personally involved in dissemination, and I compare myself with new, young minds. The debate is lively and enriches us, there is a need for this intergenerational exchange of views.” De Rosa’s analysis continues by talking about the objective material conditions of the last two generations, i.e Millennial e generation Z.

Young people need courage. We must not forget that this is the first generation that sees a situation of greater difficulty than that of its parents – recalls De Rosa – . It is a condition that cannot be changed in the short term but, starting from this condition of uncertainty, a lever can be created to be able to do everything. From uncertainty arises a push for freedom, to be able to create your own future”.

Finally, the CEO of SMET turns his gaze to the past, to rediscover what were the crucial and fundamental elements of the company’s development not only from an economic point of view, but also from an ethical and value point of view. “Among the fundamental elements of a success story are roots, ethics and morality. We have made these values ​​a true banner. With this recognition we can say that we got it right. We are a testimony that you can start even from small towns, as in our case from Roccadaspide, and you can go into the world and bring examples of a healthy family culture, which also dictates the rules in the entrepreneurial field. every employee of the group is important and contributes significantly to the success and achievement of company objectives, regardless of their role”.

De Rosa concludes that “It is thanks to this vision aimed at the future and these values ​​of familiarity that SMET has projected itself onto the international market, achieving great results and contributing, in our own way, to progress and a sustainable future”.

#Domenico #Rosa #starting #point
– 2024-04-14 06:22:53

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