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Does your eyes ever get black when you get up? This is because

You may recognize it: a black haze or spots before the eyes when you suddenly stand up. This is usually accompanied by some dizziness. Where does that black vision come from?

Blood pressure

Hasty haste is rarely good, they say. In the case of standing up, this is certainly the case, because if you do this too quickly, you can suddenly see a black haze. This may be due to blood pressure, which drops when you get up quickly. It’s like this: when you stand up, the blood flows from your stomach to your legs. As a result, there is less blood in the vicinity of your heart, which means that it cannot fill properly and pump around less. As a result, blood pressure drops, the brain does not get enough oxygen and you can eventually see black. Usually the body recovers quickly.

Also read: Low bloodpressure


To prevent you from getting black vision when you get up, it is therefore wise to take it easy. For example, do not immediately stand next to your bed after waking up, but sit on the edge of the bed for a while. Your body will then have time to adjust to your posture.

Even if you have just had a warm meal, it is a good idea not to get up from your chair immediately. Just after eating, the body pumps a lot of blood to the abdominal area, as the digestion process begins. As a result, less blood flows to your brain and standing up suddenly can also cause a black haze. This especially affects the elderly.

Other causes

So seeing black can be related to a sudden low blood pressure. That low blood pressure can be caused by standing up quickly, but also by many other things. It can also be facilitated by certain blood pressure lowering medicines, fluid or blood loss, heart rhythm disturbances or infections. If you suspect that you have low blood pressure and are bothered by it, you can always talk to your doctor about wisdom.

In the medical world, one speaks of low blood pressure if the upper pressure is lower than 110 (men) or 100 (women) and the negative pressure is below 70 (men) or 60 (women). Would you like to know more about low blood pressure? On the website Thuisarts.nl you will find more information about this.

(Source: Thuisarts.nl, Hartstichting, Margriet, archive, Bernhoven hospital. Photo: Shutterstock)

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