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Do pictures with sunglasses look dubious on social media?

Does that have style?

Henriette Kuhrt

Does that have style?

I recently posted a profile picture with sunglasses on Facebook. A friend told me it looked unfashionable. Is he right that this has no style? – Anna F., Zurich

Dear Anna, I watched “The Tinder Swindler” on Netflix with wide-eyed shock. How could women fall for a guy who dressed in branded clothing from head to toe and wore sunglasses in every Tinder picture he took? Regardless of private jet, luxury hotel, doesn’t the Felix Krull alarm ring immediately?

We can feel it: sunglasses that are not worn for protection immediately create a hierarchy. Here is a person who does not want to be looked at in the face or in the cards, who has to shield himself from the many looks and concerns that are raining down on him at any moment. Paris Hilton, c’est moi!

So on Tinder sunglasses are dubious, on Twitter in combination with opinion strength they are embarrassing. Beach photos would still have legitimacy on Facebook, but: why? Either you want to reveal something about yourself to people, then you take a real picture. Or you can leave it alone and post a cat photo. In any case, the most subtle disclosure strategy is: put on the right glasses and succeed as a bookworm.

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