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dm introduces new service: drugstore giant is breaking new ground

The average German throws almost four kilos of laundry into the washing machine each week. Valuable time passes by hanging, drying and ironing.

In order to save time, many consumers hand in their dirty laundry in the textile cleaning. The German Textile Cleaning Association puts the sales volume of cleaning services last year at three billion euros. The textile cleaning shops earn a lot of money, especially with dirty shirts, blouses and coats.

The Henkel retail group discovered this early on. In December 2015 the company started the Persil Service Online together with the cleaning company Stichweh and DHL. The three companies wanted to fill a “gaping market gap”, it was said at the time.

Initially, the focus was on companies that wanted to offer their employees an additional service. For example, to cheaply clean your shirts, pants and blouses. The service gradually tapped into hairdressing salons, law firms and restaurants. Since 2018, private customers have also been able to use the online cleaning service.

Persil Service Online has also been cooperating with the drugstore giant dm since the beginning of the year. For a few weeks now, the service has also been prominently advertised on the dm homepage.

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