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Discos, a barrage of infections from Carloforte to Marina di Pietrasanta. Sardinia closes them

Sardinia closes the discos, the open-air ones that had naturally resumed their activity in early July when the governor Solinas, like most of his colleagues, had authorized their restart despite the fact that Prime Minister Conte’s Dpcm never reopened them .
The 16 positive guys al coronavirus who contracted the infection in a club in Carloforte (and who yesterday made the island jump to a +20 positive in a single day) have pushed the Region not to extend the ordinance with which the reopening of the discos was arranged . And so all the events scheduled on the island for the week of August 15th are skipped.

“Since the Dpcm was published, which confirmed the closure of the discos, an interview is underway with the technical-scientific committee of the Region which is evaluating the situation with extreme attention, considering what happened in Carloforte where the infections occurred. within a structure “, explains Solinas, who is currently looking for a solution with his technical committee” in order not to jeopardize all the investments made in the sector and the recovery we are witnessing from a tourist point of view after months of closure. that we cannot overshadow the principle of protecting public health which must remain the fundamental objective “.

Many events throughout Italy canceled for the week of August after several discos, from Vercelli in Catania in Matina di Pietrasanta yesterday, they recorded positive cases that are now forcing the Asp to make thousands of swabs to isolate any infections that could be dozens.
Eighteen people infected in Vercelli, an outbreak ignited by a young entrepreneur returned from Santo Domingo who should have remained in quarantine and instead took part in the dance evenings.

An appeal was made by the ASL Toscana to all the people who took part in the evening of the Seven Apples disco in Marina di Pietrasanta on the night between 8 and 9 August. The young woman who tested positive is an 18 year old from Pisa. “The epidemiological investigation – explains the ASL in a note – has led to the identification of 11 close contacts, already in quarantine who, by today, will be subjected to nasopharyngeal swab”. In order to contain any contagion, the ASL appeals to all those who were in the disco on the night between 8 and 9 August and residing in the territory of the health company to get in touch “by writing an email surveillance @ uslnordovest. toscana.it with the subject ‘Seven Apples’, indicating name, surname and telephone number, in order to be contacted to make an appointment for the swab execution. The swabs will be carried out on 15 and 16 August in the drive through in Pisa , Viareggio, Lucca and Massa “.

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