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Disadvantages of not removing dental tartar: a doctor explains it


Tuesday 08 November 2022

Books – Muhammad Amin:

Many people are content with brushing their teeth, toothpaste, flossing, and mouthwash, knowing that these traditional methods don’t work to remove scale deposits that build up on their surface.

And the fact that tartar stays on the surface of teeth for a long time has serious effects on oral health, according to Dr. Omar Al-Jazzar, a specialist in dental medicine and surgery.

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Damage to dental tartar

The butcher said the limescale deposits are a layer of bacteria that concentrates on the surface of tooth enamel, adding that neglecting to remove them from time to time increases the risk of the following damage:

– caries.


Sensitivity of the teeth.

– Gingivitis.

Gingival abscess.

Gums that recede.

Dental cavities.

Tooth abscess.

Loosening of the teeth.

Loss of teeth.

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How often should the teeth be cleaned by the dentist?

The dentist advised to visit the doctor every 6 or 12 months, to eliminate limescale deposits with specially designed cleaning devices and to examine the mouth well, for the early diagnosis of diseases and to speed up their treatment.

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Tips to prevent the formation of dental tartar

He concluded his talk by providing a series of guidelines to reduce the formation of dental tartar, including:

Read also: After cleaning your teeth from tartar, a doctor recommends these tips

Brush your teeth with toothpaste twice a day, each time taking two minutes.

Rely on an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth, because it is more effective than a normal toothbrush in removing limescale deposits.

Use a soft brush to preserve tooth enamel.

Use a fluoride-rich toothpaste.

Rinse your mouth daily with a medical rinse to eliminate the bacteria that cause dental plaque build-up.

Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks.

Drink lots of water throughout the day.

For more tips on controlling calculation formation, click here.

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