Home » today » News » Dihua Street to buy dried fruit! The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong when she went home and was blown up: she was yelled at by the clerk | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Dihua Street to buy dried fruit! The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong when she went home and was blown up: she was yelled at by the clerk | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / Reported by Lai Junyou

▲The Dihua Street shopping district is where many Taipei people go to buy new year’s goods. (Picture / data map)

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, many people will go to the New Year’s Shopping Street to buy dry goods and snacks. However, a female netizen broke the news that she bought weighed dried fruits in Dihua Street a few days ago, and when she got home and re-scaled, she found that the weight was wrong.

The original PO issued an article in “Explosive Commune” and pointed out that yesterday (15th) I went to Dihua Street to buy snacks such as dried apples and taro. The store advertised 85 yuan for 100 grams. “, the original PO asked how much the current weight is, and the clerk said 150 yuan, which made the original PO dumbfounded, “It’s a little less than 50 yuan?”

However, the more I thought about it on the way home from the original PO, the more something went wrong. “When the clerk was checking out, the customer couldn’t see any numbers on the scale!” I wondered if I didn’t get the price, so I went home and took the electronic scale to re-scale. It was heavy, but the total weight was only 137.4 grams. The original PO said helplessly, “I can only blame myself for not discovering it on the spot. We can’t see the grams, but I think there should be many people who have been taken advantage of by such shop assistants!”

According to the original PO information, the price is 85 yuan per 100 grams, and the price of 137 grams should be 116 yuan. The original PO was charged 150 yuan, which is equivalent to being charged 34 yuan more by the clerk.

After reading the post, netizens condemned the dishonest shopkeepers, “Dihua Street puts it up once a year, and many shopkeepers use it to cheat”, “Many grandmas in the vegetable market also use this trick, so don’t buy the ones on the back of the scale from now on”, ” There is a problem with those who don’t show the weight of the scale.” “The New Year’s goods street is very fond of using this trick. After being cheated once, I will not go shopping.” I used to work there. Our boss must put the scale on the The customer can see it, and I usually deliberately add a little more than 200g to make the customer happy!” Some netizens said, “You are too tender, I bring my own scale”, and the original PO said, “Really, spend money to buy experience”.

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