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Digital and technological education is key to achieving gender equality

The development of digital and inclusive education and transformative technology is a fundamental requirement for a sustainable future. However, women and girls still have little presence in this new technological revolution. LThe shortage of digital experts limits the growth prospects of countries and the ability of companies to innovate, according to the report of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022, prepared by the European Commission. Thus, 55% of EU companies reported difficulties in filling specialized vacancies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), an area in which the gender gap is significant: women ICT specialists represent only 19%. of all professionals, both in Spain and in the EU. For this reason, on International Women’s Day, which is celebrated this Wednesday, March 8, the United Nations is committed to the theme “For an inclusive digital world: innovation and technology for gender equality”.

In this frameAqualia launches, for another year, its campaign around the web www.aqualiaigualdad.com to highlight, in line with the UN message, its commitment to female talent, giving visibility to inspiring and innovative women who serve as an example and lead the way for girls in their day-to-day lives.

Inspiring women, real references

under the motto “Real and inspiring women”, Aqualia invites you to share an image with a “reference” woman who, in her day-to-day life and in her environment, is an example of inspiration due to her innovative talent, telling why they admire her. Participants can also support the action by sharing a photo of themselves with a gesture: the hand over the eye in the OK position, which symbolizes the visibility of women in innovation.

This year, moreover, the website incorporates a special section of “Innovative Women”, in which all these real women who inspire others to follow in their footsteps will appear. Images and messages can be shared on social networks with the hashtag #AqualiaIgualdad.

Along with this action, Aqualia participates once again in preparing the report #EmploymentForAll of the Adecco Foundation, which this year reaches its tenth edition. As a result of the agreement between the two entities, Adecco carries out its “Women’s Employment” project, aimed at women victims of gender violence, trafficking and at risk of social exclusion. The objective of the program is to prepare these women to discover their talent and their professional and personal skills, allowing them to receive training. In addition, volunteer actions are carried out for the people who work at Aqualia, awareness-raising actions and the publication of reports, among others. One of the outstanding actions is the employment camp, a social integration project aimed at 15 women at risk of social exclusion together with their children between the ages of 3 and 12.

Supporting female talent

Aqualia promotes the training of women and their promotion to positions of responsibility. For this, the company has a Mentoring Program to Promote Female Talent, aimed at promoting the presence, visibility and participation of women in the company and facilitating the development of their professional career, and a Development Program for the Management of Women with High Potential of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

The company also develops and participates in initiatives to raise awareness of equality. Besides, bears the Family-Responsible Company (efr) seal, becoming in 2017 the first national public water service operator to achieve this. Within this framework, actions are developed to promote conciliation among professionals, preserving opportunities for promotion and access to training, among other aspects. To help disseminate this message, periodic training specialized in conciliation is provided.

The company bears the hallmark “Equality in the Company” (DIE) of the Ministry of Equality, which is granted to companies committed to gender equality. In addition, it has recently signed the agreement “Companies for a society free of gender violence” with the Ministry of Equality (Government Delegation against Gender Violence), to promote awareness and social awareness within the framework of the initiative “Companies for a society free of gender violence.

For Aqualia, first company in the sector certified by AENOR in achieving the Sustainable Development Goalswater is essential for development and can be an engine of change to promote a more just and equal society, the main challenge of the United Nations SDGs.

Access more responsible information in our digital library of Corresponsible publications and in the Aqualia Case Study in the 2022 Stewardship Yearbook.

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