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Difficulty Sleeping During the Covid-19 Pandemic, You Experience Coronasomnia

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta The COVID-19 pandemic and its threats not only disrupt physical health but also psychologically. Many have experienced sleep disturbances during the COVID-19 pandemic called coronasomnia. Psychiatric specialist dr. Andri, Sp.KJ said sleep disturbances during a pandemic usually start when people are infected with COVID-19.


"Jadi pada saat dia terinfeksi corona itu, pada saat sakit sudah mengalami gangguan tidur, terutama biasanya pada orang-orang yang mungkin tidak menyangka kalau dia bisa kena Covid," kata Andri.

Selain itu, Andri juga menjelaskan gangguan tidur juga dapat dialami meski dia tidak terkena Covid-19, biasanya karena tidak menerima kondisi pandemi ini.


"Kayak ketakutan yang luar biasa akibat pemberitaan terkait Covid. Mungkin banyak yang mengatakan, 'Oh ini bisa mati' bisa kenapa-napa.' Itu salah satunya," ujarnya.

Coronasomnia or a combination of the words corona and insomnia can also be experienced by people who already have a previous history of anxiety disorders so that it will worsen the condition. To deal with this disorder, Andri explained that the way to handle it is to provide sleeping pills. Second, a psychiatrist will also help you sleep better.

In addition to sleep disorders, another problem that many people experience in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is anxiety disorders.

“The most anxiety disorders. So, from the beginning of March 2020, actually the patients with anxiety disorders were dominant. So, I was just worried that there were symptoms of coughing and colds. Then there would be a bit of shortness of breath, tiredness, they thought it was Covid,” he explained.

“But, for now, the last six months from January actually to around last June, that’s what the most anxiety is due to the Covid condition itself, it’s already in their midst. For example in their family, they even get it themselves,” he added.

Seeing this, Andi believes that the problem of anxiety disorders due to COVID-19 is not good for the condition of the community. Even more so if he does have a history anxiety disorders.

Andri suggested that one way that can be done to avoid these disturbances is to reduce the intake of negative news related to COVID-19.

“Our brains have been designed that way from the start, indeed to respond to negative things better than positive things. So, for example, if there is something positive, it stays in the brain longer because later there will always be thoughts about what if that’s not what happened. It’s called negativity, if in psychiatry it says like that, “said Andri.

However, because now news is everywhere, such as WhatsApp groups, social media, and so on, it might be a little difficult for people to avoid the news.

“If you can’t, give it time. If you want to see the news, for example, prepare yourself first. For example by doing relaxation, doing fun things, or reading something good like the holy book,” he said.

Not only that, Andri also suggested that people continue to exercise and do physical activities in the sun and take vitamins and balance them with nutritious food intake.

Also read: 6 Uncommon Causes of Insomnia

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