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Development of Next-gen Sorcerer Edition 3 Does not take place in the CD Project

In recent days, we have received a lot of information about games from the Polish studio CD Projekt RED. One of the pleasant surprises was the announcement of the next-gen version of Sorcerer 3, which will look not only on the PS5 and Xbox Series X but also on the PC. For owners of the original version (basic and GOTY), the upgrade will also be completely free.

At the time of the announcement, most players thought that the development was taking place directly in the studio – but as it turned out, the opposite is true. The company Saber Interactive is working on the development, ie the company that prepared, for example, the game port for the Nintendo Switch and also worked on the 4K version. According to the RED Project CD, they know their technologies well.

This information comes from a recent interview with investors, which addressed, among other things Cyberpunk 2077. Adam Kiciński further stated:

We asked them to prepare a full-fledged next-gen port. We expect a full-fledged next-gen experience with lots of new tweaks, which now belong to the next generation of consoles. But the decision to hand over port development to another studio has nothing to do with the planned upgrade of Cyberpunk 2077 to the next generation of consoles – we’ll take care of it ourselves.

Michał Nowakowski also commented on the PC version, who told investors:

It will be an update that will improve the visual processing of the game and add a few extra tweaks – it goes without saying that we will provide such an update completely free of charge. It is simply something that players download and improve their experience.

The goal of this update is to extend the life cycle of the game. It is still very popular among players and recently it was also greatly helped by a series from Netflix.

The Witcher 3: Complete Edition will be released next year on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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