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Departmental: in Saint-Ouen, the left hopes to continue its reconquest

It is a sort of third round of municipal elections in which the voters of Saint-Ouen are called to participate this Sunday. In their canton, which also includes L’Ile-Saint-Denis and part of Épinay-sur-Seine, they will be able to vote for their mayor, Karim Bouamrane (PS), or for his predecessor, William Delannoy (DVD), beaten last year. With a strong stake for the left: to reconquer this canton lost in 2015, which would limit the risk of tilting to the right of the Department.

In Saint-Ouen, the left is therefore counting on the dynamics of municipal elections and hopes to take advantage of the withdrawal of centrist Hervé Chevreau (SE). The mayor of Épinay, outgoing councilor, will only be a substitute.

Karim Bouamrane joined forces with Émilie Lecroq, the leader of the local PCF, overcoming their few disagreements during the municipal elections, in particular their opposing vision on one of the city’s major issues: that of the future university hospital center, still highly contested.

The pair’s project includes the construction of two new colleges, one in Saint-Ouen, the other in Épinay, as well as the reconstruction of the Sisley college in L’Ile-Saint-Denis. Karim Bouamrane also wants to push for the creation of a departmental “mediation brigade”, or for a 100% organic canteen.

“There will be two political offers on Sunday,” he said. That of elected officials who rely on a Department that protects and gives dynamism to the whole territory. And a conservative political offer, which promotes the philosophy of When we want we can. While when you want, you can’t always: you need support from the public authorities, especially for the most vulnerable. “

“Karim Bouamrane’s candidacy surprised us”

On the right, William Delannoy will be in tandem with his ex-assistant Marina Venturini (LR), faithful to his side for more than ten years. “The candidacy of Karim Bouamrane surprised us because he had announced that he would devote himself 100% to his city when he is already vice-president of the Plaine Commune territory, observes the latter. Many wonder about its capacity to be able to manage everything with a master hand… ”

In Saint-Ouen, the elected representative held the post of assistant in charge of health until last year, especially for seniors and people with disabilities. Subjects she considers “priority” in the Department, and which pushed her to get involved in this campaign.

“It is a fragile population that must be supported because there is a lot to do to allow them to stay living as long as possible at home,” she said. However, the Department does not go enough towards these populations, who feel very neglected. “Marina Venturini protests in particular against the processing times for MDPH files” extremely long, the longest in the whole Region. “

It is difficult to predict which pairs will be able to compete with these heavyweights in local politics. Both aged under 30 and invested by Agir, a movement attached to the presidential majority, Typhaine Leforestier and Marc-Antoine Authier believe they have a card to play in the center.

“On certain points, such as ecology, we will be closer to Karim Bouamrane and on others, such as security, we will be closer to William Delannoy, notes the latter. But the two have been installed for a very long time: it would be good, in a department like Seine-Saint-Denis, the youngest in France, to finally promote renewal. “


  • Population of the canton (Saint-Ouen, L’Ile-Saint-Denis and part of Épinay-sur-Seine). 90,827 inhabitants
  • Results of the second round of departmental 2015. Hervé Chevreau and Marie-Louise Magrino (DVD): 52.1%; Karim Bouamrane (PS) and Dina Deffairi-Sessac (EELV): 47.9%.
  • Candidates in 2021: William Delannoy (DVD) and Marina Venturini (LR); Christian Sieber and Cendrine Boulain (RN); Solène Khin Zin Minn and Mohamed-Jamil Abid (SE); Karim Bouamarane (PS) and Émilie Lecroq (PCF); Typhaine Leforestier and Marc-Antoine Authier (Act)

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