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Dengue: the epidemic continues | RCI

The dengue epidemic continues in Guadeloupe. The last epidemiological point of Public Health France has just appeared. In Guadeloupe, since July 2019, nearly 3,480 cases clinically suggestive of dengue have been recorded.

Nearly 3,500 clinically suggestive cases of dengue fever have been recorded in Guadeloupe since July, of which 42% have been diagnosed in the last 4 weeks. The number of clinically suggestive cases recorded from the network of sentinel general practitioners remains “well above the expected values”. In the past four weeks, therefore, there have been 244 biologically confirmed cases.

Patients are distributed in 26 municipalities: Saint-Louis, Grand-Bourg de Marie Galante and Le Gosier are the most affected, with a cumulative incidence of more than 10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. Then there are Anse-Bertrand, Saint-François, Capesterre de Marie-Galante and Vieux fort: between 5 and 10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants.

Of the 3,500 cases mentioned since July, 775 are biologically confirmed. Only 64 could have been serotyped, to find out which dengue fever struck, and it is the second serotype which circulates in majority according to these analyzes.

Out of almost 800 blood samples, 31% concern those under 15 years of age and 9% concern those over 65 years of age.

However, there were half the number of emergency department visits for suspected dengue fever last week compared to the previous one. And among these 14 cases, none required hospitalization.

After stabilizing the number of cases over 6 weeks, there was a small decrease in the number of cases last week, 260, compared to 370 the previous week. But these data are to be consolidated and put into perspective due to the school holidays and the number of medical offices closed during this period.

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