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Demos for a Better Education System: Thousands Rally for Change in German Education Policy

Demos for a better education system

Thousands of people across the country demonstrated for a change in German education policy. An alliance of educational associations, unions, parents and students called for this. It calls for massive investments in schools and daycare centers. The federal government should provide a special fund of 100 billion euros for this purpose. In addition, the federal states should be obliged to eliminate the shortage of teachers and educators. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

Basic child security comes into the cabinet

The basic child welfare provision, which has been postponed several times, is now coming to the cabinet. Family Minister Paus confirmed that the traffic light coalition had agreed on the controversial details. The draft law could now be passed on Wednesday. Paus said she was pleased to be launching this central social policy project. Most recently, the FDP criticized, among other things, the planned supplement for children of asylum seekers as a false incentive.| September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

CSU confirms Söder as chairman

The CSU in Bavaria demonstratively gathered behind its chairman Söder two weeks before the state elections. He was re-elected at a party conference in Munich with 97 percent of the vote. It is already his fourth term in office and his best result to date. Söder had previously sworn the delegates into the final phase of the election campaign – especially with attacks on the Berlin traffic light coalition and the AfD. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

Scholz for controlling irregular migration

Chancellor Scholz has spoken out in favor of greater control of irregular migration. There are a lot of people coming to Europe and Germany. Their number has increased dramatically, said the Chancellor at an SPD rally in Nuremberg. Anyone who cannot rely on reasons for protection or who has committed crimes must be repatriated. Meanwhile, CDU leader Merz offered Chancellor Scholz a joint approach to migration policy. At the CSU party conference in Munich, Merz recalled the asylum compromise reached between the two parties in 1993, which led to a change in principle.| September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

Protests against the LNG terminal on Rügen

The protests against the planned LNG terminal on Rügen continue: around 700 people took part in a rally in Sassnitz yesterday. They consider the project to be unnecessary and harmful to the environment. Several participants managed to climb over fences in the Mukran port area and sit on pipes of the planned pipeline. There are also said to have been scuffles with the police. Three days ago, Greenpeace activists blocked a ship in Greifswalder Bodden that was supposed to lay the pipeline. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

Unexploded ordnance exploded in Göttingen

Two bombs were exploded in a controlled manner in Göttingen. The explosive ordnance disposal service described the removal of unexploded bombs from the Second World War as successful. The experts were unable to defuse the bombs because of dangerous long-term detonators. The approximately ten thousand affected residents can now return to their homes. Only the area directly around the sites will remain closed for longer. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

Wolfsburg cannot win in Dortmund

In the Bundesliga, VfL Wolfsburg lost again at Borussia Dortmund. Coach Niko Kovac’s team lost 0-1. It is BVB’s sixth defeat in a row. The other results: League leaders Bayern Munich beat VfL Bochum 7-0, Union Berlin lost to Hoffenheim 0-2, Leipzig won 1-0 in Gladbach and Augsburg won over bottom-placed Mainz 2-1. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

The weather

Rapidly fading showers and possible thunderstorms, often partly cloudy and dry. Fog in places. Lows 14 to 7 degrees. Tomorrow clear to cloudy, mostly dry, slight tendency towards rain towards the North Sea, 17 to 20 degrees. On Monday there would be occasional sunshine, no rain, 19 to 23 degrees. Mostly clear on Tuesday, showers possible in the northwest, 20 to 26 degrees. | September 24, 2023 12:25 a.m

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