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Demo in Düsseldorf: “Out for a Rebellious City” Against Rising Costs of Living

It’s already a tradition in Düsseldorf that on the eve of May 1st, I Furiosi and the Agency for Urban Disorder call for a demo. Under the motto “Out for a rebellious city!” they expressed their anger at the fact that life in Düsseldorf was becoming increasingly difficult. Rising rents, rising energy costs and rising prices mean that many can hardly afford to live.

The demo started with a rally on Kiefernstrasse

On Sunday evening (April 30th), the demo route led through Flingern, the city center and ended at Fürstenplatz. Some motorists had to wait until the demonstrators, who were accompanied by a large police force, had passed. But the message hardly reached those who were supposed to be addressed with the demo.

The previous evening demo was accompanied by a large police presence

Because not everyone has problems with rising costs. As always, there are crisis winners who can push through high rents due to the scarce housing supply and if someone has a problem with that, the next prospective buyers are already waiting. Living space has become a commodity. In their announcement for the demo, the organizers write “Since 2011, price increases have made German property owners and shareholders almost 3 trillion euros richer. Even during the last few years of the crisis, large real estate groups like Vonovia continued to cash in properly”.

The Alliance for Affordable Housing has already made numerous cases of evictions known in Düsseldorf and networks those affected

15 euros per square meter for new rentals is the new standard and every new building project only exacerbates the situation. Many can no longer afford to live in Düsseldorf and are moving to the surrounding area because a large part of their income would otherwise be spent on rent and energy costs.

The poster speaks for itself

“While more and more people are living in cold apartments, eating cheap goods or depending on the food bank and our schools, universities and swimming pools are being cooled down or even closed completely, living at the heated private pool is still very comfortable,” they criticize demonstrators.

Unfortunately, housing as a fundamental right cannot be taken for granted

A life without fear of existence is demanded for everyone, where the money is just enough for rent and subsistence. “We want space for our children, space for our hobbies and cultural freedom! We want space for us! Wherever we like it, and not just where we were able to find an affordable square meter by chance,” says the call for the demo.

2023-05-01 15:18:30
#Dusseldorf #people #demonstrate #life #fear #existence #DdorfAktuell #Internet #newspaper #Dusseldorf

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