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Decision aid and app for patients with pancreatic cancer

Patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer face an uncertain time in which they have to make many difficult choices. To help patients and their loved ones, and to be able to provide answers to the many questions they have, the decision aid for pancreatic cancer is now developed.

“As a medical oncologist you want to be able to provide the best care for every patient. When a patient is confronted with cancer, someone is at their most vulnerable. One is then confronted with sometimes almost impossible choices. In the case of pancreatic cancer, the threat and erratic nature of the disease force patients to make very far-reaching decisions in the short term. In addition to the physical consequences of pancreatic cancer and its treatment, these choices force them to get to the core of who they are and where they stand in life. The bad news in combination with time pressure means that patients and their loved ones are accelerating ”, says oncologist Judith de Vos-Geelen.

Choice help Pancreatic cancer app

In the decision aid that is now being developed, all aspects of treatment are touched upon, from weight loss support to processing the disease process. In addition, the decision aid offers information and tools that can help in the discussions that are held between doctor and patient in order to arrive at the most appropriate treatment. All information from the decision aid will also be available in a clear app; the Pancreatic Cancer Choice Help.

The urgency of the disease means that science and care related to pancreatic cancer are developing enormously. That is why, in addition to the decision aid, the app will also be provided with reliable information about the latest insights and developments, both here in the Netherlands and internationally.

The app, which will be launched sometime in 2021, will also inform patients about times when they can meet. For example, the Delta Plan Pancreatic Cancer app should become a beacon for patients and relatives, as an addition to the doctor-patient relationship in a period where all support is welcome.

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