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Debunking the Myth: Mosquitoes Wolbachia Cannot Be Controlled as Human-Killing Weapons


A post circulating on TikTok social media claims that mosquitoes Wolbachia can be controlled by digital systems and controlled by waves to chase humans. The mosquito is claimed to be a weapon to kill humans.

In fact, this information is not true. Reporting from kompas.comHead of the Ministry of Health’s Communications and Public Services Bureau, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that mosquitoes Wolbachia has no chips. Wolbachia itself is a symbiotic bacteria that naturally occurs in almost 70 percent of insect species in the world, including mosquitoes. The Ministry of Health applies technology Wolbachia to reduce the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Wolbachia can inactivate the Dengue virus in the mosquito’s body Aedes Aegypti, so that the Dengue virus will not be transmitted to the human body. Bacteria Wolbachia This also will not cause disease in humans. The Ministry of Health denies claims linking mosquitoes Wolbachia with narratives about human killing weapons, digitalization and chip installation.

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2023-12-01 02:18:13
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