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Debate: Health Or Economy, Do We Have The Choice?

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To get out of the health and economic “stop and go” dynamic and establish an open dialogue between health players and the economic world, Le Cercle des economistes is offering 4 one-hour meetings that are 100% free and open this Monday. online on the theme: “Health or economy: do we have a choice?

The appearance of a second wave of Covid-19 in the fall sharply slowed the recovery in France and Europe, putting a halt to growth and economic activities already strained by the first wave of the spring epidemic.

This “stop and go” health dynamic is seriously damaging to economic recovery trends. Businesses are on the front line in the face of these sudden, if not unexpected, downturns in their activities. Should we sacrifice the economic recovery in the face of health uncertainties? What are the medium-term prospects in an environment upset by the epidemic waves?

For the first time, doctors and economists, representatives of the largest French Think Tanks of all stripes, will exchange views during 4 thematic sessions to debate, share and thus collectively provide the means for recovery. This series of debates in short format is participatory giving the floor to the public connected online who will be able to ask questions live to the speakers.

This cycle will open with a exceptional debate, Monday December 14 between Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, President of the Circle of Economists – Arnaud Fontanet, Epidemiologist – Jean-François Delfraissy, Chairman of the Scientific Council and Patrick Artus, The Circle of Economists.

The online conference program

Monday 7:00 p.m.

What balance between health and economy?

Patrick Artus, Member of the Circle of Economists, Jean-François Delfraissy, Chairman of the Scientific Council, Arnaud Fontanet, Epidemiologist, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi President of the Circle of Economists

19h30 – 20h00

Stop & Go, teleworking, prospects… companies victims of uncertainty?

Philippe Aghion, Member of the Circle of Economists, Paul Allibert, Director General of the Institut de l’Entreprise, Anne Perrot, Member of the Circle of Economists, Vincent Charlet, General Delegate of the Factory of Industry

Tuesday December 15 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Health, work, balanced budgets… what are the prospects for the French?

With Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (The Circle of Economists), Laurent Bigorgne (Institut Montaigne), Christian de Boissieu (The Circle of Economists), Gilles Finchelstein (Jean Jaurès Foundation), Thierry Pech (Terra Nova)

Thursday December 17th 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Introduction to French political choices
With Jean Rottner (Grand Est region)

19h20 – 20h00

South Korea, Sweden, Germany… what experience can France draw?
Olivier Babeau (Sapiens Institute), Denis Ferrand (Rexecode), Pierre-Yves Geoffard (The Circle of Economists), Hélène Rey (The Circle of Economists)

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