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death toll rises to 908 in China, epidemic progression stabilizes

A disinfected office in Shanghai, February 9, 2020. NOEL CELIS / AFP

After the announcement of 91 new deaths in Hubei province, the death toll in China due to the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV has risen to 902, the Hubei National Health Commission announced on Monday (February 10th). In mainland China, with some 3,000 additional cases of infection, the toll is now over 40,171. The slowdown is notable: 3,900 new infections were announced, for example, last Wednesday, 2,600 cases on Sunday.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of daily infections in China has stabilized, but it is too early to conclude that the epidemic has passed its peak. A International expert mission” WHO-led veteran Bruce Aylward, who worked on other health emergencies, left for China on Sunday evening, the organization said.

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“We have a four-day stability period where the number of reported cases has not increased. This is good news and it could reflect the impact of the control measures. “said WHO emergency health program manager Michael Ryan.

Columbia scientist Ian Lipkin of the University of Columbia said the epidemic could peak within two weeks before ebbing sharply – even if a ” startle “ is possible when people massively resume work.

Funds injected by the Chinese Central Bank

The situation still seems chaotic in hospitals in Wuhan, a city cut off from the world since January 23.

Due to transportation, price and labor issues, “The supply is struggling to reach a normal level”, recognized a senior official of the Ministry of Commerce, Wang Bin.

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The Chinese Central Bank has announced that it will release 300 billion yuan (39 billion euros) next week to help companies involved in fighting the epidemic, which continues to spread around the world.

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