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Deadly Floods Devastate City of Derna, Libya: Thousands Feared Dead and Missing

The official Libyan News Agency said that the team assigned by the National Unity Government to survey the damage in the city of Derna estimated the total number of buildings damaged by torrents and floods at about 1,500 out of a total of 6,142 buildings in the city.

The team explained in preliminary statistics that the number of completely destroyed buildings reached 891, partially 211, and about 398 buildings submerged in mud. The total area of ​​the area inundated by torrents and floods in Derna is estimated at six square kilometers.

A week after the floods that swept through the city of Derna on the coast of eastern Libya, Libyan ambulance services, with the support of foreign teams, continue to search for thousands of dead and missing people as a result of the disaster.

Amid the efforts of rescue teams in chaotic conditions, estimates of human losses vary greatly according to sources and range from three thousand to more than 11 thousand dead. The Minister of Health in the government of eastern Libya, Othman Abdel Jalil, announced in the latest toll he reported, on Saturday, that 3,252 dead were killed, but the United Nations warned that the toll could reach more than 11,000.

Storm Daniel struck on the night of Sunday and Monday in eastern Libya, accompanied by heavy rains, causing the collapse of two dams at the top of Derna, causing the river that crosses the city to suddenly overflow, causing tsunami-sized water to flow, sweeping away all buildings, bridges, and roads in its path, causing thousands of deaths.

#Libya. #Torrents #floods #destroyed #buildings #Derna
2023-09-17 10:59:09

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