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Dan Larimer: technology giants lead the world into Orwellian dystopia

According to Dan Larimer, technical director of Block.one’s EOS startup Block.one, recent blocking of cryptocurrency videos on YouTube indicates that powerful corporations are plunging the world into total censorship.

“It’s time to buy paper versions of books again, because in the digital world they are too easy to destroy. It must be taken for granted that you do not own anything and do not control anything on your phone. We are more and more on the way to ensure that the software will be available exclusively ”

Larimer added that if today the largest video hosting service censors cryptocurrencies, then tomorrow Amazon will do the same with books.

“Buy books now before they are banned”

Recall shortly after the news of YouTube video locksdedicated to cryptocurrencies, head of Binance Changpeng Zhao expressed an opinion on the feasibility of creating a social network on the blockchain.

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