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Daily Horoscope August 9 – Love is in the air, Cancer! | Horoscopes


What you should focus on in the coming year: your health, work, love and sex. It would be wise to especially save your feet and not to overload; by keeping it strong and healthy you can avoid many problems. Although difficult for a Leo: don’t exaggerate in anything.


Get to know neighbors; you can meet someone you have a lot in common with and become close friends. Trust a friend’s promise, even if it seems too good to be true. Be absolutely honest in love.


To your own surprise, you can respond philosophically to the end of a relationship. You know there’s no point in moving forward together if you don’t have much in common. Rather say goodbye in harmony than with bitterness. Look ahead.


Take time for your most favorite activities. Joint activities promise a lot of good. A friend may come up with a rowdy idea. Tomorrow headache is possible if you make it late.


Love is in the air and it will affect your mood. However, someone close to you may try to get you down on something you don’t consider important. Stay honest if there is a gap in a business piece of evidence.


Your boss may suddenly realize that your knowledge and skills are not being used to their full potential. Respond modestly. During a conversation, don’t make it too obvious that you stand your ground. Pay attention to details and work as quickly as possible.


Make sure you have your affairs under control. You can work well with colleagues if you make sure that the necessary things are taken care of. Your desire to be with someone increases, but keep it tidy.


Make an appointment with a therapist if you have a problem that you do not want to discuss with a loved one. Professional input often provides good solutions. Financial sunbeams can shine into your home through your partner.


Diplomacy is your keyword. Negotiations and situations can be tricky, but you see through people who are unclear about their intentions. Work out financial details of a business deal before discussing it.


Bring some tension back into a relationship that seems shrouded in darkness. Do something crazy together again; any break from the rut is good. Your work also seems to benefit from an unplanned interruption.


Make every effort to deliver your work to the best of your ability. Also strive to complete negotiations satisfactorily for both parties. Think about your future and make sure you keep money on hand.


It will be a productive day if your work depends on inspiration. Write down original ideas right away. A secret admirer can leave you speechless. Just say ‘yes’ to a nice proposal.


Make arrangements for your future if your employer does not provide it or if you are a freelancer or self-employed person. Don’t think it will all work out. Initiate a physical regimen that keeps you fit or helps repair physical damage.


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