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Czech Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry – Politics

MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Czech Ambassador to Russia Vítězslav Pivonka will arrive on Monday the Russian foreign Ministry, the reasons for the diplomat, the Czech side has not commented. This was stated by TASS press attache of the Czech Embassy in Moscow, Jan Jindrich.

“I can confirm that the Ambassador would arrive at the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, – he said. – As for the reasons, as a rule, the foreign Ministry does not report the reason for the call. The reason we comment is not able to”.

Earlier on Monday a diplomatic source told TASS that the Czech Ambassador in Moscow summoned to the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

On June 5 the Russian Embassy in Prague received a note to the Czech foreign Minister with a notice of expulsion from the Republic of two employees of a diplomatic mission. Prior to this, on the recognition of left 7 June-country diplomats persona non grata said at an emergency press conference, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrew Babish. He argued that one of the employees of the Russian Embassy was deliberately written to counter false information about the planned attack on the Czech politicians. According to the Prime Minister, the actions of this man led to “further complication of Russian-Czech relations”.

The Russian foreign Ministry said that the actions of Prague will get an adequate response and will be considered in the formation of the Russian line against the Czech Republic.

In the news changes (10:33 GMT) – added a comment the Embassy of the Czech Republic

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