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Cytokine Storm: Symptoms, How to Treat and Prevent Them

A cytokine storm is an overreaction of the immune system to a virus

Cytokine storms are not just any storm. This one storm is very deadly, threatening the lives of Covid-19 sufferers.

Just imagining Covid-19 is terrifying, let alone a cytokine storm. Maybe you still remember the death of Raditya Oloan, husband of artist Joanna Alexandra.

The cause is due to a cytokine storm. He experienced cytokine storm even after being exposed to corona with a congenital disease. His condition was critical, and his life could not be saved.

And recently, Deddy Corbuzier was also hit by a cytokine storm. In fact, almost died. The celebrity and mentalist experienced a cytokine storm after recovering from Covid-19.

What exactly are cytokine storms? Can everyone catch a cytokine storm? To answer it, consider the following explanation as summarized from various sources.

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A cytokine storm is an exaggerated and uncontrolled reaction of the immune system to a virus. This out of control immune system reaction can actually harm the body, causing inflammation that causes damage to the host’s organs, such as the lungs, liver, and others.

Quotes on Instagram Doctor RA Adaninggar (@drningzs), some people who are sick with Covid will experience an excessive immune reaction. This is where the inflammatory process begins to dominate over the virus.

Even though the PCR test was negative, the inflammation continued. Therefore, people with Covid are often thought to have recovered, when in fact they have not.

This prolonged inflammation can damage many organs of the body, up to sudden death due to blood clots even though the PCR swab is negative. This is what happens to Covid-19 survivors due to the inflammation that is still going on.

  • Cytokine Storm Indiscriminate

Cytokine storms can strike anyone, indiscriminately. Generally those affected are people with comorbidities, especially those with severe infections, and the elderly.

Meanwhile, for patients and survivors of Covid-19, a cytokine storm will strike if inflammation is not addressed immediately. If a person experiences a cytokine storm, there is a very high risk of being critical or dying because organs other than the lungs are also damaged, such as the kidneys, heart, and others.

  • Symptoms or Characteristics of People Affected by Cytokine Storms

Cytokine storms are generally characterized by the following features or symptoms:

· High fever

· Headache

· Cough

· Hard to breathe

· Extreme fatigue

· Loss of appetite

· Muscle and joint pain

· Nauseous

· Gag

· Diarrhea

· Rash

· Faster heart rate

· Low blood pressure

· Seizures

· Headache

· Confusion

· Hallucinations

· Loss of consciousness.

The above symptoms can get worse and a critical period occurs after 5 days of the first symptoms appearing. So be alert if a high fever appears after day 5, cough or shortness of breath gets worse, and oxygen saturation decreases gradually.

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  • How to Overcome a Cytokine Storm

Cytokine storms are detected more quickly when the patient is immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

But first need a laboratory examination that shows:

  • Increased inflammation-marking compounds, such as CRP (a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body)
  • Increased markers of kidney and liver damage
  • Blood clotting marker abnormalities
  • Increased ferritin levels.

How to deal with a cytokine storm:

  • Supportive therapy such as breathing apparatus
  • Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance through infusion
  • Perform dialysis (hemodialysis) as indicated
  • Give drugs or steroid tablets, as dr. Gunawan gave it to Deddy Corbuzier when he was hit by a cytokine storm. These steroid drugs are not drugs that make you big, but drugs that are useful for acute Covid-19 infections, such as cytokine storms. Given by infusion with the right dose from the doctor.

Cytokine storms can worsen the condition of people with Covid-19 due to excessive immune reactions

  • How to Prevent Cytokine Storms

Cytokine storms are not inevitable. You can avoid the Covid-19 virus and the storm of evil cytokines by always taking care of your health.

Here’s how to ward off a cytokine storm:

1. Implement health protocols

The best way to avoid a cytokine storm is to strictly enforce health protocols. The 5M movement for health protocols, namely washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, limiting mobility and interaction.

The discipline of obeying health protocols will minimize the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. If you don’t get Covid-19, and without any congenital disease, at least you’ll be spared the life-threatening Cytoline storm.

Also Read: PeduliLindung: How to Download a Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate, How to Scan Barcodes, and How to Register Vaccines Online

2. Covid-19 Vaccination

Covid vaccination can reduce the risk of severe symptoms and death from Covid-19. Moreover, vaccination is now a requirement for traveling to public places, including malls or shopping centers. So, what are you waiting for, register for vaccines online or offline.

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

Running a healthy lifestyle, such as diligently exercising, eating nutritious and balanced foods, not smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and other healthy lifestyles will be able to increase immune cells in the body.

That way, the body stays healthy and fit, endurance is maintained, able to fight viruses or germs and bacteria that enter.

Having Important Health Insurance during a Pandemic

Cytoline storm is one of the risks of disease during the pandemic, in addition to Covid-19. You still have to be vigilant, don’t be careless and underestimate your health.

In a situation like this, you must have Covid-19 insurance or health insurance with the expansion of Covid-19 benefits. In order to get protection from insurance companies that cover hospital costs if God God you get corona, to Cytoline storm.

Applying for health insurance is getting easier online, one of which is at marketplace financial products, Cermati.com. Having health insurance makes your heart calm, your finances stay safe.

Also Read: How to Check BPJS Health is Active or Not Online and Offline

This news is a collaboration between Republika.co.id and Cermati.com. Matters related to writing, photos, graphics, videos, and the overall content of the news are the responsibility of Cermati.com.


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