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Cycle track meter data | The bicycle express network is a hit

The enthusiasm for the new Network express bicycle (REV) is confirmed, show data captured by meters on bike paths in the City of Montreal and analyzed by Press. The influx of cyclists on the central portion of the main north-south axis of the REV, Saint-Denis, Berri and Lajeunesse streets, is approaching the level of attendance observed in Clark and Saint-Dominique streets, one of the northern axes -south most used before.

Clara Gepner

Clara Gepner

Khaoula Chehbouni

Khaoula Chehbouni

It was around mid-May that the REV started to be so crowded and even ahead of the Clark bike path, according to analysis of data from 1is January to June 6, 2021 meters in the center of the island of Montreal. These are located near the rue de Bellechasse and the piste des Carrières. 2021 is the first year in which the Saint-Laurent – ​​de Bellechasse meter, between rue Clark and rue Saint-Dominique, does not win the gold medal, according to Jean-François Rheault, president and CEO of Vélo Québec.


The counter for the Clark bike path, boulevard Saint-Laurent, is located south of rue de Bellechasse.

Indeed, Press observed that on Wednesday, June 2, 6,220 cyclists passed on the REV, nearly 200 more people than on Clark Street. This day is therefore the busiest of 2021, according to data published by the City.

The devices of the Eco-Compteur company record the passages in several key places on the cycle paths; Press analyzed the tens of thousands of data lines released on June 9 by the Town Planning and Mobility Department of the City of Montreal.

Return to prepandemic normal

Jean-François Rheault explains that these record REV days represent a return to pre-pandemic normal. “In 2020, for the first time in Montreal, the busiest days were mostly weekends, which was unheard of. Normally, it was mostly weekdays, ”he says.

A similar phenomenon was observed further north, near rue Sauvé. Data analyzed from January 7 to June 6, 2021 shows that the REV is more frequented than its predecessor, the cycle path of avenue Christophe-Colomb. The counters for this portion of the north-south axis of the REV detected that 3,454 cyclists passed there on Monday, May 24 (National Patriots’ Day), i.e. 1,100 more people than on avenue Christophe-Colomb on the same day.

The City considers the REV to be a success. It also predicted that an influx of 4,000 people per day on the Berri-Lajeunesse portion of the north-south axis would be exceptional ridership.

“The REV north-south is a new cycle route, compared to the track on Clark which has long been part of the daily journey of several thousand cyclists, a journey still anchored in the habits of people”, explains by email Marikym Gaudreault, attaché press at the mayor’s office of Montreal.

The constant increase in the number of cyclists since the beginning of spring allows us to conclude that more and more Montrealers are adopting it for their journeys.

Marikym Gaudreault, press secretary at the mayor’s office of Montreal, by email

Shared merchants

The announcement of the installation of the REV sparked many complaints from merchants on rue Saint-Denis.

“The work they did for the REV caused problems for the businesses, and now a lot of customers are complaining about having less parking,” argues Hamza Benameur, of the Kofi Crêpe restaurant, at the corner of rue Saint-Denis and avenue du Mont-Royal.

The owner of the restaurant L’Évidence, meanwhile, obtained a special permit from the City to expand his terrace and encroach on the REV.

“Since they installed the REV, I see more and more people coming to Saint-Denis by bike,” notes Mourad Fhal.

I think the terrace will help us for this summer. But for the winter, I don’t know how it’s going to be, with snow and less parking. Are people going to continue to come by bike?

Mourad Fhal, owner of the restaurant L’Évidence

“We’ve been waiting for this for a long time”

In these beautiful days of June, the large influx of cyclists on the REV indicates that this new track is popular.

“The REV on Saint-Denis is very good, we have been waiting for it for a long time,” says Yvon Dinel, cyclist who takes the REV to go to work.


Yvon Dinel, REV user

Before the REV, it was difficult for cyclists, we drove near cars and there was the danger of doors opening.

Yvon Dinel, REV user

“In terms of security for pedestrians and cyclists, with protected facilities we can believe that there will be fewer collisions and possibly fewer deaths,” thinks Jean-François Rheault. This is only the beginning of the REV and habits take time to settle, also explains this former director of Eco-Compteur for North America.


Chantal Bouchard, REV user

The REV, a real bicycle highway with unidirectional tracks with a width of 2.3 to 3 m, is indeed worth the detour, believes cyclist Chantal Bouchard. According to her, it is more efficient, safer and more comfortable than a regular track, and allows her to get to work faster. “The more cycle paths, the better. The more there are, the safer it is for cyclists, ”she says.

With Thomas de Lorimier and Myriam Boulianne, Press

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