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Cuban activist receives threats for denouncing animal abuse

This Monday, January 25, 2021, the activist Cuban Javier Larrea made a publication to alert that he has received multiple threats through your account at Facebook, for being a defender of animal rights and for denouncing the animal abuse.

Larrea’s narration indicates that, at first, he thought about not publishing; however, a person close to him convinced him to do so, due to repeated harassment against him, which has been going on for some time. Larrea claims not to have seen these messages before, since he is not an active user of his social networks and therefore does not check his chat regularly.

“The fact is that one of these days reviewing the messages of said application (Messenger) I have found” everything as in a pharmacy “… from messages that incite hatred, messages with very rude invitations that affect my integrity and endanger me lifetime”,

wrote the young Cuban.

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Likewise, the activist said that reading the threats have generated “unpleasant” moments, although he is aware that those who do so are hiding behind their fears, not to face it as they should, so they also use false profiles in order to hide their true identity (…) “perhaps because they really lack it”.

In this sense, the young man warned that he has already saved all the messages against him, by taking screenshots that were shared with people close to him, despite the fact that he knows that these “miserable subjects never get to do anything beyond of the empty words ”, but for prevention and in case something happens to him, he makes them responsible, not only for what happens to him, but also for the collateral damage that they may cause to his family and friends.

“It will not be the first time that I have faced this type of harassment and threats, at other times they have come from other latitudes, but this time it seems that it is because of me that continues to expose and publicly denounce the constant violations that we live in newspaper for animal rights in this country ”,

Larrea stated.

The activist for animal rights said that he can understand that those people who threaten him were affected in their business with their public defenses; reason why he warned that he did not give up before the “little messages from cowardly people”.

“Remind them that my resilience capacity has been increasing and when nobody knew about me because I was already facing only the giants”,

Larrea finished.

Drafting of Cubans around the World

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