Home » today » News » Crowd in the center of Bari before the curfew, Decaro: “A slap in the face to those who are sick or have closed business”

Crowd in the center of Bari before the curfew, Decaro: “A slap in the face to those who are sick or have closed business”

The image is unequivocal: it is Saturday night, and Via Sparano is full of people. It is the mayor of Bari who publishes it on his Facebook page, and the words accompanying the photo are direct, and do not discount: “These images are a slap in the face to sick people and entrepreneurs who have had to close their business”, says Antonio Decaro.


Bari, 10 pm: the curfew takes effect. From the seafront to via Sparano: the center is deserted


His disappointment almost seems to have the taste of surrender, especially in the face of what – continuing to not respect the recommendations of the last dpcm that invite people to stay at home as long as possible – is the scenario that no one hopes to happen, and that instead it becomes probable: “If the infections increase, Puglia will become the red zone and close everything – warns the mayor – this is not psychological terrorism, it is reality. At least this time we will have been aware of our destiny”.

With these concluding words he closes a reflection that had opened, with his post, recalling the number of infections that were recorded in Puglia on November 7: 1,054 new positive cases at Covid-19, with 1,906 people currently infected in Bari and 2,167 people in home isolation.

“In via Sparano this was the situation – it is the despair of Mayor Decaro – but then we all run home to be indignant at the failure to respect the rules and restrictions”. Just 24 hours earlier, on his Facebook page, Decaro had greeted the city of Bari, seeing it empty after the first curfew of 10pm imposed by the dpcm just entered into force. “Your soul is your citizens,” he wrote. But what was photographed the next day, on a Saturday evening on Via Sparano, now does not bode well.

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