Home » today » News » Crime of Sleiter José Leal: gang in Venezuela claims murder – Unidad Investigativa

Crime of Sleiter José Leal: gang in Venezuela claims murder – Unidad Investigativa

Almost everything was recorded on video: a pair of gunmen shot three people from the same family last Thursday, near a closed complex in the town of Fontibón.

One of the victims was identified as Sleiter José Leal, money changer Venezuelan 36 years old. And then it was learned that the first person attacked was his mother and the other, his son, who managed to survive the attack.

The act of sicarial went unnoticed because the day before it was recorded the theft of jewelry in the Great Station, which included silenced weapons, which focused the attention of the city.

The murdered Venezuelan was identified as Sleiter José Leal. Police confirmed that he had a criminal record.

And although both cases are evidence of the escalation of insecurity that is taking place in Bogotá –and that includes street robberies on motorcycles, with swords and revolvers–, that of Fontibón has a previously unknown background.

It is about the presence of gangs of Venezuelans that are operating in the capital and that, according to authorities, handling micro-trafficking and the sexual exploitation of migrants.

Official sources confirmed to EL TIEMPO that Leal had a history in his country. In addition, it would have disappeared, in 2016, from the Cabimas Preventive Arrest and Detention Center, in the state of Zulia.

(You may be interested in: Venezuelan falls on August 7; track human trafficking network)

In fact, through social networks, such as Instagram, the Venezuelan band called ‘Yeico Masacre’ claimed the double crime.

With photos of the murder scene and weapons next to the victim’s name, they speak of another man who appears to be prowling through the 93 park, north of the capital.

Judicial officials said they are investigating Leal’s activities in Colombia and the motives for his crime.

‘Los Melean’ and ‘Yeico’

In this regard, EL TIEMPO established that both Dijín and Sijín know that, since mid-2019, Venezuelan criminal organizations have been entering Colombian territory, through irregular migratory flows.

“Among them are chips from ‘the Melean’ and ‘Yeico Massacre.’ In the past they were partners, but due to differences and disloyalties they ended up distanced. Today, control of drug outlets and micro-trafficking in the areas of Fontibón, Chapinero and Santa Fe are disputed, to the point that they have displaced Colombian criminal networks. They also exercise control of brothels for the sexual exploitation of migrants, ”said the official source.

(We invite you to read: Maduro’s spy paid $ 2.5 million for Colombian ID)

In fact, it affirms that there are at least 12 crimes in Colombia (two recent ones registered in Ibagué) linked to the war between these gangs.

The issue has been aired in meetings with the Prosecutor’s Office and with Colombia Migration, which set off alarms in 2019.

Regarding the act of assassination, Colonel Alexáder Amaya, of the Metropolitan Police, confirmed that the dead man had a criminal record.

(Consulted here all the articles of the EL TIEMPO Investigative Unit)

And the officer added: “The events were presented in the Centenario neighborhood of Fontibón. We already have identified the attackers and the cars they were in. We continue the investigation and there will be results soon. ”

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