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Crazy Nestle Products Are Unhealthy, BPOM Speaks Up


Internal documents Nestle said 60 percent of its products are unhealthy. The document was revealed in the report Financial Times. It is stated that the unhealthy product in question is not meeting the standards of the Australian Health Rating System with a threshold of 3.5 points.

Nestle Indonesia later denied this statement, arguing that the calculation of the analysis reported was inaccurate. This report also raises the question of whether Nestle products circulating in Indonesia are safe and suitable for consumption.

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has finally opened its voice. BPOM describes information regarding unhealthy Nestle products “not related to food safety and quality”.

“The news is related to the inclusion of the nutritional content of the product, especially the sugar, salt and fat content (GGL) as one of the risk factors for causing non-communicable diseases (PTM) if consumed in excessive amounts,” wrote BPOM in a release received. detik.com Tuesday (8/6/2021).

Even so, BPOM admitted that it would continue to cooperate with stakeholder ensure that the products in circulation meet all the requirements for safe products fit for consumption. BPOM also emphasized that all distribution permits for food products in Indonesia, including: Nestle, is ensured through an evaluation process, from nutrition, labeling, as well as aspects of safety to quality.

The following is the complete response from BPOM regarding the product Nestle not healthy.

1. Information on unhealthy products conveyed in the news is not related to food safety and quality. The news is related to the inclusion of the nutritional content of the product, especially the sugar, salt, and fat (GGL) content as one of the risk factors for causing non-communicable diseases (PTM) if consumed in excessive amounts.

2. Information on GGL content is part of the inclusion of nutritional value information (ING), which is enforced mandatory through POM Agency Regulation Number 22 of 2019 concerning Information on Nutritional Value on Processed Food Labels. Globally, guidelines for the inclusion of nutritional content are regulated in the Codex Guideline on Nutrition Labeling (CAC/GL 2-1985 which was revised in 2017).

3. To make it easier for people to understand in Indonesia, the inclusion of ING in addition to tabular form, on food labels can also include information about daily nutritional intake guidelines and the “healthier choice” logo on the main part of the label which is applied voluntarily. The “Health Star Rating” model of inclusion with certain nutritional requirements and using a rating from half to five stars is applied in Australia and New Zealand.

4. The POM has carried out an evaluation process on safety, quality, nutrition and labeling aspects including the inclusion of ING in providing Marketing Permit Numbers (NIE) for processed food products, including Nestle products circulating in Indonesia.

5. To ensure the consistency of circulating products in accordance with the approval at the time of registration, Badan POM conducts safety, quality, and label control including ING through sampling and testing.

6. Business actors are obligated to ensure that the products in circulation meet the requirements for safety, quality, nutrition, and labels.

7. Individual nutritional needs are regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 28 of 2019 concerning the Recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rate for the Indonesian Society. For individuals who have special nutritional needs due to their physical condition, physical activity and/or certain health conditions, consult a doctor/nutritionist.

8. The POM and stakeholders continue to encourage the public to read labels including ING as an effort to prevent PTM and apply the principle of balanced nutrition consumption in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation No. 41/2014 concerning Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition.

Watch Videos”BPOM’s explanation about 60 percent of Nestle’s products is not healthy
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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